Graduate Certificate Program
Historic Preservation Certificate
This certificate is open to undergraduate and graduate students in all units at Rutgers University, including the students at Art History and students of the Bloustein School.
A Joint Offering of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and The Department of Art History/Cultural Heritage Preservation Studies (CHAPS).
The Certificate in Historic Preservation (15 credits) offers students a theoretical and practical introduction to the fields of cultural heritage and historic preservation through a combination of special courses and supervised internship or Independent Study opportunities. The program is multi-disciplinary and transcultural in nature, embracing state and national concerns while also reflecting the surge of interest in conservation issues on a global scale. These developments have resulted in the rapid expansion of organizations devoted to preservation issues and a dramatic increase in educational and career opportunities.
The Certificate offers a combination of courses originating in the The Department of Art History/Cultural Heritage Preservation Studies (CHAPS) Program and the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, and courses anchored in other Rutgers departments and units. The certificate program is open to undergraduate and graduate “concurrent” students in all units at Rutgers University, including the students at Art History and students of the Bloustein School.
To be eligible for the Certificate, the student must submit an application to either the CHAPS program director or to the Planning Program chair at the Bloustein School. A Certificate in Historic Preservation will be awarded to students who complete the program with an average of B or higher. The Certificate will be conferred only with the awarding of of a BA, BS, MCRP, MA or PhD degree in an established undergraduate or graduate department, or other degree-granting program of Rutgers.
Students interested in the program are encouraged to subscribe the Historic Preservation listserv for information about upcoming events and other items of interest.
The Certificate Program consists of five (5) three-credit courses. Two of these, taken in any sequence, are required core courses: Seminar in Global Cultural Heritage Preservation (CHAPS) and either Historic Preservation: History, Architecture, Programs and Policy (Bloustein) OR International Historic Preservation (Bloustein). Elective courses may be selected from any of those listed below. Prerequisites to the individual courses must be met by those enrolled. The fifth of five (5) required courses is a supervised internship or supervised independent study approved in advance in writing by the CHAPS program director or the Planning Program chair at the Bloustein School.
Core Courses
- 01:082:430 Seminar in Cultural Heritage Preservation (Art History)-offered in fall
- 34:970:521 Historic Preservation: History, Architecture, Programs and Policy (cross listed as 01:762:448) (Bloustein School) – offered in spring
- 34:970:522 International Historic Preservation (Bloustein School) – offered in spring
Elective Courses
Art History
- 01:082:300 History of Modern Crafts and Design
- 01:082:301 Ancient Architecture
- 01:082:304 Architect and Society in England
- 01:082:367 American Art 1585-1876
- 01:082:368 Modern American Art
- 01:082:391 Nineteenth-Century Architecture
- 01:082:392 Twentieth-Century Architecture
- 01:082:397 Medieval Architecture
- 01:082:420 African Architecture
- 01:082:421 Contemporary American Architecture
- 01:082:428 The Modern City
- 01:082:445 Studies in the Art & Architecture of New Jersey
- 01:082:446 Studies in American Architecture
- 16:082:528 Modern Architecture
- 16:082:529 Design of Cities
- 16:082:536 Renaissance Architecture
- 16:082:540 English Architecture
- 16:082:547 Baroque Architecture
- 16:082:568 History of Modern Decorative Arts
- 16:082:590/591 Internship in Historic Preservation
- 16:082:637 Problems in Renaissance Architecture
- 16:082:642 Problems in Baroque Architecture
Planning/Public Policy
- 833:611 Community Economic Development
- 833:680 Energy Sustainability and Policy
- 970:501 History and Theory of Planning
- 970:508 Comprehensive Planning
- 970:511 Community Development
- 970:517 Survey of Planning Law Principles
- 970:520 Planning and Land Use Administration
- 970:522 International Historic Preservation
- 970:529 Principles of Housing
- 970:553: Transportation and Environment
- 970:555 Urban Transportation Policy Analysis
- 970:563 Community Development
- 970:572 Green Building
- 970:585 Tourism Planning
- 970:590 Graphical Communication for Planners
- 970:591 Introduction to GIS for Planning and Public Policy
- 970:604 Land Development Practice
- 970:618 Environmental Planning and Management
- 970:619 Environmental Economics and Public Policy
- 970:622 Urban Redevelopment
- 970:666 Seminar in Urban Planning
American Studies
- 281:01 Native American Culture
- 200:02 Topics in American Studies: Latinos and Community
- 246:01 The Black Experience in America
- 01:070:313 Historical Archaeology
- 01:070:333 Colonial Archaeology
- 01:070:393 Cultural Resource Management
- 16:070:584 The Built Environment
- 16:070:587 Field Study in Archaeology
CHAPS- Graduate
- 16:082:593 Studies in CHAPS: Preserving the Past in the Digital Age: Museums, Monuments, and Cultural Management
- 16:082:594 Studies in CHAPS: Significant Objects: Material Culture Studies and Cultural Heritage
- 16:082:603 Advanced Topics in CHAPS – Laws of Cultural Heritage and Preservation
- 34:970:521 Historic Preservation
- 34:974:522 International Historic Preservation Internship in Historic Preservation (hours by arrangement)
- 16:082:530 Seminar in Global Cultural Heritage
- 16:082:590 Internship: Cultural Heritage and Historic Preservation
- 16:082:593 Topics in Historic Preservation: Public Histories of Detention and Mass Incarceration
- 16:082:594 Topics in Historic Preservation: Architectural Conservation: A Sustainable Approach
- 16:082:603 Advanced Topics in CHAPS: Cemeteries, Monuments, and Memorials: Cultural Heritage and Remembering the Dead
- 16:082:607 CHAPS Advanced Internship/Field Study
- 16:082:707 Research Cultural Heritage (CHAPS)
CHAPS- Undergraduate
- 6:082:593 Studies in CHAPS: Preserving the Past in the Digital Age: Museums, Monuments, and Cultural Management
- 16:082:594 Studies in CHAPS: Significant Objects: Material Culture Studies and Cultural Heritage
- 16:082:603 Advanced Topics in CHAPS – Laws of Cultural Heritage and Preservation
- 34:970:521 Historic Preservation
- 34:974:522 International Historic Preservation Internship in Historic Preservation (hours by arrangement)
- 16:082:530 Seminar in Global Cultural Heritage
- 16:082:590 Internship: Cultural Heritage and Historic Preservation
- 16:082:593 Topics in Historic Preservation: Public Histories of Detention and Mass Incarceration
- 16:082:594 Topics in Historic Preservation: Architectural Conservation: A Sustainable Approach
- 16:082:603 Advanced Topics in CHAPS: Cemeteries, Monuments, and Memorials: Cultural Heritage and Remembering the Dead
- 16:082:607 CHAPS Advanced Internship/Field Study
- 16:082:707 Research Cultural Heritage (CHAPS)
- 01:450:331 New Jersey
- 01:450:321 Geographic Information Systems
- 16:450:501 Introduction to Natural Resources Management
- 16:450:514 Environment and Culture
- 16:450:516 Urban Geography
- 16:450:522 Tourism Geography
- 16:450:615 Seminar in Remote Sensing
- 16:450:625 Seminar in Geographic Information Systems
Landscape Architecture
- 11:550:330 History of Landscape Architecture
- 11:550:552 Landscape History 2-1850 to Present
Environmental Planning and Design
- 11:573:330 History of Landscape Architecture
- 11:573:302 Ecological History- North America
- 11:573:413 Open Spaces Planning and Management
Certificate Coordinator
If you are a prospective or current Rutgers student, and want to find out more information, ask questions about the certificate, or discuss your specific academic interests contact Professor David Listokin
David Listokin
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
listokin [at]
Certificate Programs
Geospatial Information Science
Human Dimensions of Environmental Change
Urban Planning (for MPP students)
Real Estate Development and Redevelopment
Climate Change Risk and Resilience
Energy (please note this certificate is under review, new information coming soon)
Student & Academic Services
Steve Weston
Assistant Dean for Student and Academic Services
Courtney Culler
Assistant Director for Graduate Student Services
Greg Marrero
Student Counselor, Graduate Student Services
Andrea Garrido
Career Management Specialist for Planning, Policy, and Informatics Masters Students