University Operating Status

UPDATE: Select exams scheduled for this afternoon on the College Avenue campus at Rutgers-New Brunswick have been relocated. Please check with your departments and instructors about exam locations. All other exams and activities are taking place as scheduled. ​​​​​​Civic Square remains open. Activities such as the undergraduate poster sessions will be taking place as scheduled.

Student Organization


Drawing to Educate Students in Innovative Graphic Negotiation Skills

Mission Statement

EJB | DESIGNS seeks to re-establish the core values found in using hand drawing to elaborate digital rendering techniques and improve graphic negotiation. Our Drawing Philosophy compliments the urban planning and design curriculum. Through experience we understand how drawing drives thought and evolves design.  From this premise, we are reinstating hand drawing as the foundation for planning and design while aware of the benefits digital advancements contribute to visualization, data analysis, and the thought process. We seek to improve workflow by advancing innovative techniques in visualizing data, while maintaining logical thinking in the planning thought process.

EJB | DESIGNS is established as the support system and resource center where students can seek help, challenge or discover urban design issues, learn professional development skills, and prepare to enter the professional workforce.  Our practice sessions and planned events help create leaders and highly skilled designers to engage in the following:

  1. Draw: We draw to illustrate the story often overlooked in the planning and design process.  Our practice sessions consist of on-site drawing of urban areas.
  2.  Render: We render to visualize possibilities and discover other people’s reactions to change.  Our practice sessions include real-world project challenges often elicited by an idea.
  3.  Computer Generate: We understand and teach how computer-generated information assists in decision-making throughout the drawing process.  Our practice sessions include digital technique workshops where we consider and discuss where these techniques best serve the planning and design process.


EJB | DESIGNS began as a group of planning students and faculty looking to improve their hand-drawing skills and digital graphic methods. A social organization based out of the Bloustein School, we encourage networking with professionals, faculty, and students interested in learning and teaching digital and hand-drawing techniques. Through practice and social networking, its members prepare for the planning and urban design profession.

Board Contact: Matthew D’Agostino