Dissertation Proposal: Planning for Platform-to-Plate: The On-theGround Effects of Online Food Delivery in NYC & Kolkata
Virtualpresented by Triparnee Kushari
presented by Triparnee Kushari
Have a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Monday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Can't make it? Make an appointment by visiting bit.ly/libjulia.
Stop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning September 9th through December 16th between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein Career Development Specialists Cheryl Egan and Andrea Garrido. URL: https://go.rutgers.edu/EJBcareerdropin
The Rutgers Business School, in collaboration with the Bloustein Local Government Research Center, will hold its Annual Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update Conference virtually this year on Thursday, December 5. This conference aims to bring leaders in public financial management together to address the most pressing financial and public policy issues and provide an update on current […]
Presented by Mi Shih, Ph.D, Bloustein School Associate Professor This venue will enable our faculty to share research, build community, and extend our networks. Pizza will be served. Bloustein faculty, advanced PhD students, and external speakers will present research talks. The seminar series is open to the entire Bloustein community.
Presented by Professor Mark Paul
Have a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Monday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Can't make it? Make an appointment by visiting bit.ly/libjulia.
Stop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning September 9th through December 16th between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein Career Development Specialists Cheryl Egan and Andrea Garrido. URL: https://go.rutgers.edu/EJBcareerdropin
Have a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Monday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Can't make it? Make an appointment by visiting bit.ly/libjulia.
Stop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning September 9th through December 16th between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein Career Development Specialists Cheryl Egan and Andrea Garrido. URL: https://go.rutgers.edu/EJBcareerdropin
Interested in learning more about careers in various healthcare sectors? Attend this virtual networking event to meet with, ask questions, and gain invaluable advice from Bloustein Alumni who graduated from the MHA, undergraduate Health Administration and Public Health programs and are working in various healthcare industries. Topics include career development, jobs, internships, fellowships, case competitions, finance, negotiation, networking, mentoring, getting Involved in professional associations, scheduling classes, managing […]
All are invited to the inaugural event of the Rutgers Health Management Perspectives Lecture Series at the Bloustein School, created to bring leading voices in health management and policy to engage with our Rutgers community. This event will be presented by Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, was inaugurated as the 178th […]
Join Bloustein Career Management Specialists, Cheryl Egan and Andrea Garrido, for a workshop to learn tips and strategies about salary negotiation skills (which doesn't only include negotiating for a salary) as well as how to evaluate job offers. Hear from recent graduates who were successful in negotiating their salaries! RSVP HERE
Join us for a tour of Round Table Studios and the first ever Work Resort in the United States. Situated on a 185-acre campus in Berkeley Heights, NJ, the Connell Family has invested over $500 million in the first-of-its-kind, innovative resort environment in the United States for working, living, relaxing, and dining. Round Table Studios and […]
All master's candidate students are invited to attend this discussion with Dean Stuart Shapiro. RSVP HERE Sponsored by: The Office of Student and Academic Services and Bloustein Graduate Student Association