On Friday, May 9, the Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON)semiannual subscriber forecast and conference will examine the pace of New Jersey’s economic recovery and provide insight into aspects of the real estate market that are helping establish momentum for the...
Free one-on-one travel training for persons with brain injury offered by NJTIP@Rutgers
NJTIP @ Rutgers is offering a FREE opportunity for one-on-one personalized travel training for persons with brain injury living in central NJ who want to access job destinations (paid or volunteer). We are actively recruiting participants now, so if interested contact...
Getting to know Jocelyn Elise Crowley
Jocelyn Elise Crowley, Ph.D. is a senior faculty fellow at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development with research interests in family policy and social policy in the United States. Dr. Crowley has been a professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of...
Rutgers study finds after Hurricane Sandy, NJ residents support government mitigation, but not footing the bill
New Jersey residents who were surveyed four months after Hurricane Sandy battered the East Coast of the United States in October 2012 expressed strong support for government policies to reduce the likelihood of severe damage from future hurricanes, according to a...
Andrews, Greenberg reappointed to NJDEP Science Advisory Board
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Science recently announced that professor Clinton J. Andrews was reappointed to a three-year term to the NJDEP’s Science Advisory Board, and professor Michael R. Greenberg was reappointed to the Public...
Urban planning students see freight systems, supply chain management in action at Port Newark
A group of Bloustein School graduate students and lecturer Anne Strauss-Weider met with Beth Ann Rooney, Director of Port Security for the Port Authority of NY & NJ (far right) and Scott Schoenfeld, the Chief Operating Officer for the Port Newark Container...
Rutgers launches New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative
Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein of Planning and Public Policy, in collaboration Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, has announced the launch of theNew Jersey Health Impact Collaborative (NJHIC), a partnership dedicated to promoting the integration of...
Voorhees Transportation Center releases GASCAP model
The Bloustein School's Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center has released GASCAP — the Greenhouse-Gas Assessment Spreadsheet for CAPital Projects —a freely available Microsoft Excel based spreadsheet tool designed by VTC. This spreadsheet based tool allows users to...
New Walter Cope Evans Endowed Fellowship in Planning and Public Policy established
The Bloustein School is pleased to announce the establishment of the Walter Cope Evans Endowed Fellowship in Planning and Public Policy. This annual fellowship program will support a graduate student in the Bloustein School’s Masters in City and Regional Planning...
Sen.Cory Booker to host forum for women small business owners at EJB, April 11
U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) will host a forum for women small business owners on at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy on Friday, April 11 to highlight federal resources available to help entrepreneurs and to discuss solutions for common...