New Jersey’s state higher education plan, “Where Opportunity Meets Innovation – A Student-Centered Vision for New Jersey Higher Education” (the Plan), was introduced in 2019. It envisions an ecosystem where every resident can attain high-quality credentials regardless of their circumstances.
The Future of NJ Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction
A new two-part study written by Marc H. Pfeiffer examines the evolving landscape of state and local journalism in New Jersey during a critical transition from print to digital news delivery and challenges those changes mean for the publication of “official notices.”
Report Release: R/ECON Forecast Winter 2025
R/ECON’s economic forecast for New Jersey as 2024 drew to a close once again shows a slowing trajectory, with annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2025 projected to slow more sharply than in the prior forecast.
Report Release: R/ECON Forecast Summer 2024
R/ECON’s economic forecast for New Jersey as of June 2024 continues to show a slowing trajectory, though the decline in annual GDP growth is not as pronounced as in the prior forecast.
R/ECON Forecast for November 2023 shows slow or stagnant growth for near future
R/ECON’s economic forecast for New Jersey as of November 2023 shows slow or stagnant growth over the next five to six quarters, with GDP recovering to a steady but tepid rate of increase in 2025. This largely mirrors the U.S. trajectory, though at lower growth levels than the national outlook.
The Labor Market, Then and Now: The First Two Decades of the 21st Century – Big Labor Market Trends
This is the first article in a three-part series that analyzes labor market, workforce, occupational, and educational trends since 2000. Co-authors are Dr. Carl Van Horn of the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Nyerere Hodge of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and Stuart Andreason of the Burning Glass Institute.
New Report from Marc Pfeiffer – First, Do No Harm: Algorithms, AI, and Digital Product Liability
The potential for algorithmic harm(s) are commonly reported to be found in (but are not limited to) technologies such as generative artificial intelligence chatbots, social media, virtual reality, Internet of Things, surveillance tech, robots, etc. This new report provides a pathway to reduce algorithmic harms by incentivizing developers to first, do no harm as opposed to work fast and break things.
NJSPL Report Release: Analyzing Child-Care Provider Subsidies in New Jersey
A new report from Andrea Hetling, Gregory Porumbescu, and Henry Coleman examines public child-care subsidies. In 2020, New Jersey switched to an enrollment-based subsidy policy from the prior attendance-based system, both for public health purposes and to ensure a consistent stream of income to child-care providers during the pandemic.
NJSPL – NEW REPORT on Flood Buyback and Managed Retreat Programs
Research for “Leading Practices for Proactive and Equitable Property Acquisitions to Enhance Climate Resilience” was conducted to better understand how flood buyback and managed retreat programs are organized and administered nationwide.
Multiple News Orgs Cite Marc Pfeiffer’s BLGRC Report on Jersey City
This report covers the period October 2020 through June of 2022. The CAO has found that the district has met a sufficient number of Accountability Scorecard metrics to meet the requirements of the Transition Plan to move toward full local control. While the district...
Upcoming Events
Virtual Career Drop-ins
VirtualStop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning February 3 through April 28 between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein […]
Bloustein Research Seminar Series: Matt Mleczko
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesPresented by Matt Mleczko This venue will enable our faculty to share research, build community, and extend our networks. Pizza will be served. Bloustein faculty, advanced PhD students, and external […]
Virtual Information Session: Graduate Program in Public Policy
VirtualLearn more about the curriculum for our master's degrees in public policy, as well as our graduate certificate, how to apply, career services support for students, and scholarship opportunities.
Bloustein Librarian Open Office Hours
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesHave a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Civic Square […]
iJOBS Seminar: Advice for International Students from an Immigration Attorney
VirtualIf you are an international student or postdoc and are wondering how to apply for jobs in the US, join us to hear immigration attorney Michael Goldstein for a presentation […]