The final Together North Jersey Regional Plan, published in November 2015, was presented the American Planning Association- New Jersey chapter's Outstanding Plan Award, which recognizes a plan of unusually high merit, at the APA-NJ Annual Planning Conference Awards...
Hunterdon to create economic development office
Jon Carnegie, executive director of the Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers who is also involved with Together North Jersey, said young people like to live in places such as Hoboken, Jersey City "and maybe Morristown." Those places have much to offer, and close...
New Rutgers Health Impact Assessment predicts impacts of increased use of Middlesex Greenway
A new report, “Middlesex Greenway Access Plan Health Impact Assessment” authored by researchers at the New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative (NJHIC), examines the potential health impacts associated with implementation of the Middlesex Greenway Access Plan. The...
Together North Jersey releases New Brunswick Ciclovia Evaluation report
Together North Jersey has announced the release of the final report for the “New Brunswick Ciclovia Evaluation” Local Government Capacity Grant, which documents and evaluates the overall success and effectiveness of the New Brunswick Ciclovia, first held on October 6,...
Voorhees Transportation Center launches website to promote transit-oriented development news in NJ
The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, (VTC), a national leader in transportation research and education and the nucleus of transportation-related policy research, training and education at Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public...
Together North Jersey workshop to gather input on communities along Inner M&E Corridor, Newark and the Oranges, April 15
The second public workshop for the “Inner M&E Strategic Corridor Plan” will be held for residents of the City of Newark, Essex County, general public, and other interested parties on Monday, April 15 at WISOMMM Cultural Center, Sanctuary Building, 23-25 Washington...
Together North Jersey awards Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark funding for local planning projects
Together North Jersey, a collaborative partnership dedicated to strengthening the region’s economy and improving access to good jobs, quality schools, safe and stable neighborhoods, a healthy environment, fresh food, and civic and cultural resources that is...
Alan M. Voorhees Center, Bloustein, community development, event, New Jersey, NJ, pedestrian safety, policy, public policy, Rutgers, Together 202, Together North Jersey, transportation, urban planning, Voorhees
Together North Jersey is hosting a workshop, Together 202: Reimagining Complete Communities along a Connecting Corridor, for residents and the public to provide feedback on a vision for strengthened, more connected communities along the Route 202 corridor. The...
Together North Jersey to hold final presentation of design concept for Asbury Park/Bradley Beach/Neptune corridor
“Connecting Community Corridors,” a joint effort of Together North Jersey, Monmouth County, the city of Asbury Park, Borough of Bradley Beach, Neptune Township and Interfaith Neighbors to initiate constructive dialogue among residents and stakeholders in the...
Together North Jersey public workshop to gather information on Connected Communities in greater Monmouth County
The third public workshop for Connecting Community Corridors will be held on Tuesday, January 29 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Asbury Park Senior Center, 2nd Floor of the Springwood Center, 1201 Springwood Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ. This event will present the opportunity...
Upcoming Events
Virtual Career Drop-ins
VirtualStop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning February 3 through April 28 between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein […]
POSTPONED Rutgers University Winter Career and Internship Fair
Sonny Werblin Recreation Center 656 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, United StatesAfter careful consideration due to forecasted weather conditions, the Office of Career Exploration and Success (CES) has made the difficult decision to postpone the in-person Winter Career & Internship Mega Fair scheduled for February 11 […]
Virtual Information Session: Master of City and Regional Planning/Master of City and Regional Studies
VirtualYou are cordially invited to join us at this virtual informational session for the Rutgers-Bloustein School's Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) and Master of City and Regional Studies […]
Bloustein Librarian Open Office Hours
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesHave a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Civic Square […]
Inside the Black Box: Mapping Neighborhood Boundaries in a Muslim Informal Settlement. Case of Jamia Nagar, Delhi, India
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesPresented by Zehra Mahdi, Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellow at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and doctoral candidate at the Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, […]