

Addressing voter turnout in Black and brown communities

Some advocates say systemic issues can prevent NJ residents, especially in Black and Brown communities, from exercising their right to vote. Professor Julia Sass Rubin's research showing New Jersey is the only state with the line is discussed. NJ Spotlight News, May...

Voter suppression by another name

In a study published by New Jersey Policy Perspective, Rutgers Professor Julia Sass Rubin analyzed New Jersey’s 2020 primaries. She concluded that “structuring ballots around the county line impact election outcomes by steering voters toward specific candidates. The...

Overcoming ‘the appalling silence of the good people’

Rep. Jim Clyburn's (D-S.C.) endorsement of Joe Biden, and the ensuing high Black voter turnout across the South, foreshadowed the potential influence gender and race would play in the 2020 general election. Last Tuesday’s exit polls indicate that 8 out of 10 Black...


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