This report seeks to educate all parties involved in the affordable housing and healthcare connection. This requires educating hospitals about affordable housing and the affordable housing community about healthcare and hospital systems. To this end, this report makes a number of recommendations.
First, the report looks at the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) as it is a required documentation for non-profit hospitals to maintain tax-exemption status. Second, to better incentivize local developers to develop affordable housing units with a supportive housing element, this report recommends changes to the various funding mechanisms available for affordable housing projects so as to encourage hospitals becoming involved in such developments. Third, the New Jersey Special Needs Housing Subsidy Loan Program (SNHSLP) provides capital financing to create permanent and affordable supportive housing and community residences for individuals with special needs. Fourth, state Medicaid agencies should utilize Section § 1115 Waivers to formally integrate housing supports into the core Medicaid program. Finally, state housing finance agencies could continue to collaborate and partner with anchor institutions which are place-based mission-driven entities, such as hospitals, universities, and government agencies.
Course Instructors and Students
- Edward J. Bloustein Studio Students: Tristan Gibson, Surya Jacob, Hashaam Jamil, Zainab Kazmi, Divya Mahadevan, Jesse Nelson, Harrison Pippin
- Studio Student Coordinators: David Glaze, Amanda O’Lear
- Studio Instructors: David Listokin, Anthony Marchetta
- Studio Advisors: Stuart Bressler, Vito Gallo