Student Projects

Milford Renewable Energy Feasibility Study

Milford Renewable Energy Feasibility Study

In the fall of 2010, a planning studio was convened around the topic of renewable energy at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.  Planning studios provide an opportunity for students to apply the theories and practices taught in the Master of City and Regional Planning program in a real world setting.  Projects are provided by outside clients, and students are tasked with researching, analyzing, and providing solutions to the challenges presented.

The client for this studio was the Borough of Milford, New Jersey.  In 2010, Milford updated their Master Plan to include provisions for the allowance and regulation of wind, solar and biomass facilities in the land use element in response to evolving energy and economic opportunities involving renewable energy technologies, rising energy prices and growing demands for local energy production.   On behalf of the Planning Board and the Borough Council of Milford, the borough’s planner, Mary Moody, approached Rutgers University to conduct a feasibility study of the renewable energy generation potential of two specific sites in Milford: the former Curtis Mill site and the “Borough Farm” site.  These sites were examined for their potential use as locations for renewable energy installations, utilizing the three technologies described in the Master Plan amendment: biomass, wind, and solar.
This report assesses the potential use of these three renewable technologies on the two sites, a discussion of relevant agencies and policies that impact renewable energy land uses, and a framework outlining how the Borough of Milford could proceed with implementing renewable energy generation land uses.

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[toggle title=”Report Documents“]

Executive Summary
Full Report
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C


[toggle title=”Additional Documents“]

Boro Farm Solar Installation Pro Forma


[toggle title=”Media Coverage“]

Hunterdon County Democrat, December 16, 2010
Star-Ledger, December 19, 2010
Clean Energy Authority, December 23, 2010


[toggle title=”Student Researchers“]

John Baree Garrett Hincken Mark Seinen
K. Daya Bill Benjamin Jacobs David Stanek
Jedediah Drolet Julie Krause Hye-Kyung Yang
Julia Friedman D. Jeff Lord Daniel Yi


[toggle title=”Faculty Advisors“]

Robin Murray, AIA, PP, LEED AP
Clinton Andrews, Ph.D.
Frank Felder, Ph.D.
Lyna Wiggins, Ph.D
