New Jersey Democratic primary voters will see ballots that look very different from what they are used to and also different from the ones Republican voters will see. County clerks are designing ballots for the June election to comply with the recent federal court...
Let’s Keep Focus on “The Line” in NJ Politics
If you’re not in-the-know, The Line is where you want to be on the ballot if you’re running for office in New Jersey. Candidates granted The Line by NJ’s political gatekeepers are almost assured of victory, especially in a primary election. That’s why NJ’s powerful political machines invest so much time and treasure into determining who gets the line and (perhaps more importantly) who doesn’t.
Should Holmdel voters dump parties and elect the mayor? They decide next week
According to Julia Sass Rubin, professor of public policy at Rutgers University, who gave a presentation to the commission, candidates on the “county line,” which is the column for candidates endorsed by the local Democratic or Republican party committees, have an...
New Jersey’s primary election ballots are rigged | Opinion
Former Rutgers Law School Dean and Public Advocate Ron Chen and former NJ Attorney General and current Director of Rutgers' Eagleton Institute of Politics John Farmer cite Bloustein School professor Julia Rubin's research on the county line in an editorial about New...
Walking the Line: New Jersey Ballots, Candidates and Voters
Join Eagleton and the Bloustein School for a discussion on ballot design, candidate representation, and encouraging voter participation in New Jersey elections.
Lawsuit seeks to change design of NJ ballots, claims they seem to give advantage to party favorites
New Jersey’s primary election was held on Tuesday, and there is a renewed focus on the design of the ballots themselves. Critics say that the design is unfair to any candidate not connected to powerful political parties. A study by Professor Julia Rubin, of the...
Tuesday’s primary election is rigged for the old guard
“This year only 10 percent of the seats in the Legislature are being contested,” says Julia Sass Rubin, an associate professor at Rutgers. “This is a toxic system, and it limits who will run.” And who will win. No state legislator has lost a primary since...
Lawsuit against ‘the line’ gains more allies
The New Jersey Institute for Social Justice is the latest group to sign on to a lawsuit which seeks to end the long-standing tradition of the party line on New Jersey ballots. Henal Patel of the institute filed an amicus brief on behalf of the League of Women Voters...
Lining up to fight the party line
NJ’s party bosses control the primary ballots, giving their preferred candidates the top spot. Advocates, candidates and now lawmakers want that changed. Julia Sass Rubin, a professor at Rutgers University who researches New Jersey’s electoral system, has found that...
Addressing voter turnout in Black and brown communities
Some advocates say systemic issues can prevent NJ residents, especially in Black and Brown communities, from exercising their right to vote. Professor Julia Sass Rubin's research showing New Jersey is the only state with the line is discussed. NJ Spotlight News, May...
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Bloustein Research Seminar Series: Matt Mleczko
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesPresented by Matt Mleczko This venue will enable our faculty to share research, build community, and extend our networks. Pizza will be served. Bloustein faculty, advanced PhD students, and external […]
Virtual Information Session: Graduate Program in Public Policy
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Bloustein Librarian Open Office Hours
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesHave a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Civic Square […]
iJOBS Seminar: Advice for International Students from an Immigration Attorney
VirtualIf you are an international student or postdoc and are wondering how to apply for jobs in the US, join us to hear immigration attorney Michael Goldstein for a presentation […]