
Dr. Yen-Tyng Chen

Researchers Deploy Technology to Find High-Risk HIV Populations

“We use big data, including GPS, survey, network data, to identify optimal sets of venues for HIV prevention,” Chen told Medscape Medical News. Venue-based affiliation networks could help identify areas to reach the priority population or connect many other venues frequented by the priority population, she said.

Chen et al. Leverage GPS Data for HIV Prevention

By asking participants carried a GPS device for 2 weeks, researchers constructed networks of venues connected together through participants’ co-attendance patterns among young Black sexually minoritized men.

Research Day 2024 Recap: Winners and Videos

The Bloustein School’s 3rd Annual Research Day took place on Friday, April 12th. Watch the keynote address by Dr. Joel Cantor and Lightning Talks by various Bloustein professors and researchers.

Research Day 2023

The Bloustein School’s 2nd Annual Research Day has been rescheduled and will take place in person at the Gov. James J. Florio Special Events Forum on Friday, April 21st.

Dr. Yen-Tyng Chen Reacts to Texas Ruling to Omit PrEP from ACA Coverage

On Sept. 7, District Judge Reed O’Connor made two rulings in Texas that may significantly change the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The first decision by the district judge found that the task force that helps decide federal health insurance mandates is unconstitutional....


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