
Mark Paul

What Biden’s “Rent Cap” Is, and Isn’t

​“We have policies in place that have helped build the middle class through federal support for housing,” Paul says. ​“However, that federal support for housing is really only applied to the segment of Americans that can afford to own a house.”

Experts Respond To Biden’s Rent Cap Comments

“Biden et. al are finally taking the housing crisis seriously. Going on offense to increase supply AND cap rent increases is precisely the type of intervention we need to drastically improve housing affordability & stability.”

Departing RealPage Exec’s Flimsy Rant Against Rent Control

Let’s first consider the AER survey and New York study, which were both published over 30 years ago (in 1992 and 1972-89, respectively). As Rutgers economist Mark Paul has written, decades-old theoretical assumptions about rent control are being increasingly challenged by contemporary evidence:

Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix climate change

For the U.S. to decarbonize in an orderly fashion, “restrictive supply-side policies that curtail fossil fuel extraction and support workers and communities must play a role,” Rutgers Univresity economists Mark Paul and Lina Moe wrote last year.

Ban Fossil Fuels? Readers Had Strong Thoughts.

Mark Paul, an economist at Rutgers University’s Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, wrote that he’s a “huge advocate” of putting a price on carbon, as Ho is, but “we simply need to consider a far broader swath of policy tools to facilitate rapid decarbonization.

Why Don’t We Just Ban Fossil Fuels?

A pair of economists, Mark Paul and Lina Moe, wrote last year for an advocacy group called the Climate and Community Project in a piece titled “An Economist’s Case for Restrictive Supply-Side Policy.

Mark Paul Featured on The Majority Report

Professor Mark Paul joins Emma Vigeland on The Majority Report podcast, diving right into the inspiration for his piece on an Economic Bill of Rights (and his economic work as a whole) in seeing the richest nation in history make its citizens suffer through the 2008 financial crisis, both conceptualizing that wealth and why GDP doesn’t present the full picture of a country’s well being under capitalism.

We can still make a good economy much better

“Progressives do not have the power — at least not yet — to win an economic bill of rights,” Mark Paul concedes. “To see poverty eradicated, progressives will have to continue pressing their case — via mass movements and grassroots organizing, over the dinner table, and in the public sphere.”


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