Both NJ Transit and the Gateway project are facing funding problems. Martin Robins, the authority on all things mass transit and Founding Director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, talks about the challenges facing Gov.Phil Murphy when it comes to...
Transition 2018: Bloustein faculty, staff, alumni will have an impact on New Jersey's future
Carl Van Horn, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development and a widely recognized expert on workforce, human resources, and employment policy issues with extensive experience in public and private...
Transit expert looks past summer repairs to need for Gateway Tunnel
There’s arguably no one who knows more about NJ Transit and its troubles than former Former Deputy Executive Director Martin Robins. He’s also the Founding Director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center. NJTV Online (interview), July 10, 2017
Beyond the Crisis: Exploring the Future of the State's Transportation Trust Fund
“Recent history tells us that the more you can do pay-as-you-go and the less reliance on bonding, the more stable your funding will be and you will be able to maintain a reasonable program,” said Martin Robins, director emeritus of Rutgers University’s Alan M....
Roundtable Focuses on NJ's Transportation Future
In his budget address, Gov. Chris Christie swept aside claims the state’s Transportation Trust Fund is in trouble. “To imply that the TTF is in crisis and is suddenly and unexpectedly run out of money is just a politically driven mischaracterization,” he said Feb. 16....
Christie, lawmakers disagree over NJ's transportation system 'crisis'
In recent years the fund has supported $1.2 billion in annual construction, maintenance and operating costs at NJ Transit and the state Department of Transportation. The money will run out on June 30, according to the nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services....
Former NJ Transit Executive Talks Transportation Fund, Possible Transit Worker Strike
New Jersey’s life blood flows through the transportation grid. And there’s a coming crash. The transportation trust to fund bridge and road repairs runs dry June 30. NJ Transit‘s depleted operating budget supplanted by the take from Turnpike tolls could also run dry...
New credit line could cost NJ Transit more than $1M
Whatever the final costs, several transportation experts described the arrangement as a waste of money. Martin E. Robins, former deputy executive director of NJ Transit and founding director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University, said...
No repair in sight for N.J. transportation fund; talks collapse in hunt for revenue
Martin E. Robins, founding director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University, said he was surprised that discussions had broken down. ... who advised Sweeney on high-priority transportation projects that need funding. “I’m very worried that...