Mary Ann and Steven J. Allard Fellowship Program in Public Health
The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Mary Ann & Steven J. Allard have established the Allard Fellowship Program.
The fellowship is for outstanding non-traditional students, including veterans making the transition from military service to the classroom, returning adults whose formal education has been interrupted and post-baccalaureate students pursuing a public health undergraduate degree or major, who have demonstrated a personal commitment and/or outstanding academic potential in pursuit of studies in public health at the Bloustein School.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, two (2) undergraduate students in the public health major will be selected to receive the Allard Fellowships. The two fellows will receive $2000 each.
Eligibility: UNDERGRADUATE applicants with a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA.
Completed application materials should be EMAILED to
The Email message must contain the following in the body of the message:
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Cumulative grade point average
ATTACH the following items to the email:
- An unofficial Rutgers transcript (PDF format)
- A 500-word personal statement including professional, research and/or academic goals of the student during his/her academic program (MS Word or PDF format)
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Undergraduate Student & Academic Services
Christina Torian
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Education
Advisor for Prospective Students
Natashia James
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Student Services
Advisor for Students with Last Names A-F and all Student-Athletes
Student Counselor, Undergraduate Student Services
Advisor for Students with Last Names G-O
Jessica Reyes
Student Counselor, Undergraduate Student Services
Advisor for Students with Last Names P-Z and all Veterans and Military-Affiliated Students