Candeub Memorial Lecture in Planning to discuss history and evolution of Metuchen’s revitalization

October 20, 2017

The Bloustein School will host the 2017 Isadore Candeub Memorial Lecture in Planning, “The History and Evolution of Metuchen: 1967-2017,” on Wednesday, November 8. The event will be held at the Gov. James J. Florio Special Events Forum, Civic Square Building, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ.


To watch the recording of the event, please click here


The lecture will begin at 5:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public. A light reception will follow the lecture. Space is limited, guests are requested to RSVP by visiting

Organized and moderated by Anton Nelessen, a professor at Rutgers University’s Bloustein School and Metuchen’s former town planner, this lecture will discuss how a small New Jersey town accomplished a remarkable revitalization effort between the period of 1967 and 2017.

A distinguished panel of municipal officials, lawyers, developers and planners will present and discuss how this revitalization was accomplished and the lessons that can be learned, as well as presenting their views of how the town will more forward into the future.

There will be a formal presentation followed by a moderated panel discussion on the history of the redevelopment of downtown Metuchen. Highlights will include the original master plan in the late 1960s by Candeub, Fleissig & Associates; 1972 Central Business District development proposals; and the latest major redevelopment effort, Woodmont Metro at Metuchen station, a transited-oriented mixed-use community built on the site of a former parking lot. This project was the recipient of a 2017 New Jersey Future Smart Growth award.

Confirmed presenters and panelists will include James Constantine, Principal, Looney Ricks Kiss and Town Planner, Borough of Metuchen; Len Roseman, Chair, Metuchen Borough Parking Authority; James B. Graziano, Partner, Graziano, Piasecki, Whitelaw & Simko andformer Attorney, Metuchen Borough Parking Authority; John Wiley, former Mayor of Metuchen; Jay Muldoon, former Metuchen Councilman and Acting Borough Administrator; Stephen A. Santola, Woodmont Properties; Joel Schwartz, Landmark Companies LLC; and Eric Berger, US Real Estate.

The annual Isadore Candeub Memorial Lecture was established in the memory of Isadore Candeub in tribute to his long and successful career as a planning consultant and to his extraordinary dedication to planning in towns, cities and regions across America. Before his passing in 1986 he was chairman of the executive committee of Candeub, Fleissig & Associates, consultants in community development and environmental planning. Mr. Candeub, with Morris B. Fleissig, a lawyer, founded the firm in Newark in 1953. Earlier he had spent 20 months in the Federal Government as chief planner for the Northeastern region of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, precursor of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He was a 1943 graduate of the City College of New York; did graduate work at Columbia University and received a master’s degree in 1948 from the School of Architecture and City Planning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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