CUPR staff and students meet with Senator Booker to discuss new EPA-funded air quality initiative

August 28, 2023

CUPR green building colleagues Jen Senick, Clint Andrews, and Gedi Mainelis are part of a new EPA-funded project in Elizabeth, NJ, to install air quality sensors near public housing. US Senator Cory Booker, US Representative Robert Menendez , Union County Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski, Elizabeth Mayor J. Christian Bolwage, EPA Region 2 Director Lisa Garcia, and many others joined a community meeting to discuss how this project can improve local health and well-being.

Featured tools developed by Rutgers included mobile air quality sensors inside backpacks carried by youth and inexpensive DIY air purifiers that cost less than $50. The Rutgers team is collaborating on this project with Groundwork Elizabeth and the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth. 

Young environmental leader from Elizabeth, NJ, wearing Rutgers air quality sensor backpack, explains how it works to Sen. Booker. Mayor Bollwage, Rep. Menendez, EPA Region Administrator Garcia, and County Commissioner Kowalski.
Young environmental leader from Elizabeth, NJ, wearing Rutgers air quality sensor backpack, explains how it works to Sen. Booker. Mayor Bollwage, Rep. Menendez, EPA Region Administrator Garcia, and County Commissioner Kowalski.
Rutgers team members Jen Senick, Clint Andrews, Gedi Mainelis (environmental science) and Fatima Haynes, EOSHI PhD student, enjoy a selfie with Senator Booker
Rutgers team members Jen Senick, Clint Andrews, Gedi Mainelis (environmental science) and Fatima Haynes, EOSHI PhD student, enjoy a selfie with Senator Booker

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