Celebrate GIS Day and Geography Awareness week! Together with fellow Rutgers students, staff and faculty, you will contribute geospatial data to OpenStreetMap, a free and editable map of the world that is used by communities, organizations and governments worldwide to address local development challenges and aid disaster response. Our project will be decided closer to the date. In past years, Rutgers students, staff, and faculty worked together on a mapping project to help NGO efforts with relief operations in Puerto Rico, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. No mapping experience or knowledge is necessary. Training will be provided. Join at any time during the scheduled event!
We will use the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap platform to contribute data. The selected project will be appropriate for beginners. If you’re looking for a head start, sign up for a HOTOSM account and check out these online tutorials about HOTOSM and their iD editor:
Sponsored by the New Brunswick Libraries and the Department of Geography.
Register at https://libcal.rutgers.edu/calendar/nblworkshops/mapathon