“Does favoring one group over another when it comes to Democrats getting money and Republican districts not getting money? For Democrats that maybe an easy choice to make.”
NJSPL – NJ Progress with Offshore Wind Projects
Offshore wind has the potential to contribute to the state’s decarbonization goals while generating approximately 20,000 new jobs for the state by 2030, but exactly how these economic benefits will be distributed remains to be seen
NJSPL – New Jersey’s 2025 Tax Revenue Projections
Adjusted appropriations for FY 2024 are nearly $1 billion higher than in the original budget, while FY 2024 revenues are projected to be about $500 million lower. As a result, the current projection would see the budget surplus drop from $10.7 billion at the outset of FY 2024 to $6.1 billion at the end of FY 2025.
Experts see clouds on the fiscal horizon for NJ government
During a news conference Tuesday afternoon, several members of the workgroup offered their takes on the likelihood of there being enough revenue available by then to launch an altogether new relief program in the current economic environment. “Right now, it’s a wait-and-see,” said Marc Pfeiffer,
New Jersey faces steep deficits in coming years, group warns
There are certain things that the state is committed to by constitution or by law. Medicaid is increasing, school aid is increasing,” said Richard Keevey, a former state budget director and comptroller.
Gov. Murphy vetoed a 20-year service pension bill for police and firefighters. Here’s why
A bill to allow police officers and firefighters with 20 years of service to retire early with a reduced pension, regardless of their age, was conditionally vetoed by Gov. Phil Murphy, who said he wants more clarity on how the legislation would impact the state...
Your tax dollars at work. The 2023 budget details for Warren County’s biggest towns.
Warren County municipalities had until April 28 to set their spending plans for 2023, including general fund budgets covering the costs of public services. By and large, property taxes pay for most services, and budgets are kept fairly unremarkable, but one consistent...
New Jersey’s Budget Surplus
This time last year, New Jersey's fiscal reality was grim. This year, the state has an $11 BILLION surplus. NJ Spotlight News' Joanna Gagis talks with Bloustein School senior policy fellow/executive in residence and former New Jersey Office of Management and Budget...
Government officials not acting fiduciarily responsible
Prior to the pandemic in mid-March, NAIOP NJ had planned to convene several experts to examine New Jersey’s fiscal challenges, controlling costs at the local level and pension and benefits reform. In the subsequent four months, our national GDP has plunged 33 percent...
COV-19, the recession, and state budgets: What are our choices?
This week Stuart Shapiro sits down with Bloustein School Senior Policy Fellow and former New Jersey Budget Director Richard Keevey, who reflects on his years of budgeting at both the state and national levels.