Food Security Research

July 14, 2023

Urban Planning

vertical farmer

Mapping Networks, Resources, Gaps and Vulnerabilities in Middlesex County’s Emergency Food System During an Emergency

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on People, Pantries and Practices in the Emergency Food System

Middlesex County Food Pantry Product Dating Label Education Project

Food Insecurity in Middlesex County

Taking Food Access on the Road 

Farm-to-Freezer: An Institutional Guide to Saving Summer’s Bounty 

Browsing for food: Will COVID-induced on-line grocery delivery persist? 

The Cooperative Market’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Report: Internship by Andrea Johnson at Urban Agriculture Cooperative

Vertical Farming in Jersey City: Undergraduate capstone project by Nathalie Chong

Public Policy

public policy food security

Report on Food Security and Organic Waste Reduction 

Advancing the New Jersey Sustainable Organic Material Management Plan: Opportunities to Increase Food Security and Reduce New Jersey’s Organic Waste 

APPAM Fall 2022 Conference: SNAP Administrative Burdens Presentation 

Zero Hunger Campaign Efforts: Internship by Nishi Gonsalves at New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) 

Food Policy Council Promotion and Outreach: Internship by Marissa Kass at Move For Hunger 

Measuring COVID-19’s Impact on Black Food Insecure D.C. Families: Internship by Morgan Terry at Center for Public Justice 

Domestic Worker Inequalities in New Jersey: Internship by Kristen D. Pagar at Center for Women and Work 

Intervention Proposal for Food Insecurity Within Indigenous Communities: Undergraduate capstone project by Oluwatoyosi Busari

Public Health

kids with veggies

“Healthy Eats” Food Security Promotion: Internship by Jihong Lee at New Brunswick Tomorrow 

Reducing Health Disparities in Homeless Communities with Meals, Hygiene Services and Care Packages: Internship by Amber Yuill at Archangel Raphael’s Mission (ARM) 

Food Insecurity Health Study: Undergraduate capstone project by John Wakefield 

Community Outreach: Internship by Kevin Alvarado at Woman and Families Ascending Association (WAFAA) 

Creating a Resource Section About Food Insecurtiy for the TurnUp App: Internship by Nicole Palacios at Turn Up Activism Inc. 

Hunger and Homelessness Campaign Assessment: Internship by Seree Kim at New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) 

MEAL Coalition Media and Marketing: Internship by Josie Libero at MEAL Coalition 

Increasing Access to Social Service to the Homeless Population in New Brunswick, NJ: Internship by Nerissa Santa Cruz at Archangel Raphael’s Mission (ARM) 

Impacts of Farmers Markets in Urban Settings: Internship by Kayla Albertson at Urban Agriculture Cooperative 

Healthy Families: Campaign to Promote Healthy Nutritional Practices and Physical Activity to Families in Middlesex County: Internship by Naomi Hiraldo at Greenway Family Success Center 

Human Service Agency Partner Outreach Assessment: Internship by Sarah Moon at Rescuing Leftover Cuisine 

NJPIRG Zero Hunger Campaign Assessment: Internship by Hira Shah at New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) 

Welcome Home Resource Packets: Internship by Ryan Kreutzberg at Soldier On 

AtlantiCare Pantry at the Plex Pop-Up Produce Market Patient Satisfaction: Internship by Javen King at AtlantiCare 

Nutritional Veggie Truck to Increase Food Access in Bloomfield: Internship by Madeline Lefkowitz at Bloomfield Department of Health and Human Services 

Mobilizing the Relocation Industry to Fight Hunger: Internship by Shruti Jadhav at Move For Hunger 

Combating Food Insecurity Throughout New Jersey: Internship by Samantha Ramos at Soup Kitchen 411 

NJPIRG Hunger and Homelessness Project Assessment: Internship by Albert Chen New Jersey at Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG)

Health Administration

hospital nutrition

Assistance Application Check System: Internship by Olivia Lord at Maya’s Hope Foundation 

Social Determinants of Health: Internship by Rafid Kabir at Saint Peter’s University Hospital (SPUH) 

Child Nutrition Eligibility Campaign: Internship by Veronica Wask at Toms River Family Health and Support Coalition 

Healthier Food Initiative Through the Virtual Grocery Program: Internship by Amber Southrey at AtlantiCare 

Healthy Corner Store Initiative with American Heart Association: Internship by Breanne McCormick at Trinitas Regional Medical Center 

Patient Perception on Health-Related Social Needs Risk Screening Tool: Internship by Sarah Nunn at Hackensack Meridian Health – Accountable Health Community Program (AHC)

Analyzing the Social Determinants of Health Among The Eric B. Chandler Health Center Patients: Internship by Becky Munene at The Eric B. Chandler Health Center 

Access to Healthy Food: Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes and Food Insecurity: Internship by Grace Becker at AtlantiCare 

RWJUH-Somerset Healthy Eating/Active Living Initiative (HEAL): Internship by Victoria Bertrand at RWJUH Somerset

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