
Transportation Analytics

The Transportation Analytics concentration within the MPI program is of paramount importance in today’s rapidly evolving urban landscape. Cities worldwide are facing intricate transportation challenges, from congestion and pollution to equitable access. By focusing on transportation informatics, students can harness data-driven insights to develop innovative solutions for improving the efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility of urban transportation systems. This is critical for fostering more livable and resilient cities, aligning with the growing demand for data-savvy professionals in the public sector. The Transportation Analytics concentration’s curriculum provides a solid foundation for understanding the intricacies of transportation systems, analyzing vast datasets, and leveraging emerging technologies to inform policy and decision-making.

Concentration Requirements

  • Three 3-credit courses for Bloustein Master of Public Informatics (MPI) students
  • Four 3-credit courses for the Artificial Intelligence Certificate (non-MPI students)
Required Courses

For the Transformation Analytics Concentration

  • Required Course 1: 34:970:553 – Methods of Transportation Planning
  • Required Course 2: 34:970:551 – Transportation and Land Use

For the Transportation Informatics Certificate (Non-MPI students)

  • Required Course 3: 34:970:550 – Introduction to Transportation or Similar as approved by concentration chair or advisor.

Elective Course (Choose one)

  • A broad range of courses available from Bloustein and Other colleges at Rutgers – Students will coordinate with their advisors / Concentration Chair to select a suitable elective.

The Transportation Analytics concentration is suitable for:

The Transportation Analytics concentration is suitable for students with undergraduate degrees or currently enrolled in a graduate degree program in any field with necessary quantitative skills. Students pursuing this concentration will engage in a comprehensive curriculum that includes courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), data analytics, machine learning, and transportation planning.

Why invest in the Transportation Analytics concentration?

  • Gain competencies in informatics and big data processing for transportation analysis
  • Acquire data-driven insights in transportation in the evolving urban planning landscape
  • Harness the growing opportunities in transportation analysis in the public sector space

There is a crucial need for intelligent transportation and urban planning as the needs of citizens around the world have been continuously evolving. In 2022, the intelligent transport system market was projected to reach $50.23 billion in 2027, with North America as the largest region in the market. Coupled with today’s age of big data and artificial intelligence, the demand for public sector professionals skilled in data analysis and informatics is growing. In the United States, the Department of Transportation launched Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment, a $40 million grant opportunity for connected vehicle technologies focused on road safety, mobility, and efficiency. In New York City, the Transit Mobility Review Board is discussing possible scenarios for the first-in-the-nation congestion pricing program targeted to reduce traffic and air pollution in the severely congested streets of Manhattan’s central business district while also funding improvements to the city’s public transit system.

Why study Transportation Analytics?

Graduates of the Bloustein Master of Public Informatics Transportation Analytics concentration can tap into opportunities in transportation analysis, urban and regional planning, and consulting.

Advanced Data Science and AI for Public Good!

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