Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) Degree & Employment Statistics
Student Achievement (Outcomes)
The program shall attract a sufficient number of well-qualified students from diverse backgrounds and shall adequately prepare, support, and advise these students to pursue and contribute successfully to the field of urban and regional planning. Accordingly, the program shall demonstrate that its students upon graduation possess the knowledge, skills, and values that will enable them to secure professional employment, to perform effectively as planners, and to participate meaningfully in the planning profession. Because students will join an increasingly diverse workforce, and work in diverse communities affected by global pressures, the student body should be diverse. The approach to diversity should reflect the program’s intended scope (e.g., local, regional, national, international). The program should strive to attract a student population, particularly from groups historically lacking access to, and under-represented in, higher education, as well as representative of the type of mixtures of ethnic, racial, and economic groups to be found in the settings where planners often practice. The program determines student achievement in the following areas with outcomes:
1. Graduate Satisfaction
How well do you think your educational experience in the planning program prepared you for the job you currently hold?
Frequency |
Valid Percent |
Very well |
110 |
22.9 |
Quite well |
164 |
34.2 |
Fairly well |
128 |
26.7 |
Slightly well |
58 |
12.1 |
Not at all well |
20 |
4.2 |
Total |
480 |
100.0 |
Missing | System |
43 |
Total |
523 |
2. Graduate Employment
(see below)
3. Graduate Certification
(see below)
4. Graduate Service to the Community and Profession
Our alumni survey indicated that 55 percent of the graduates are members of a professional organization and 14.9 percent assume leadership positions in such organizations. The survey also showed that 34.7 percent of the graduations are in local community organizations and 22.7 percent assume leadership positions.
A sampling of organizations or groups graduates volunteer for:
(All that apply are checked.)
Responses |
Percent of Cases |
N |
Percent |
Professional organization, member |
259 |
22.0% |
55.0% |
Professional organization, leadership position |
70 |
6.0% |
14.9% |
Service organization, member |
106 |
9.0% |
22.5% |
Service organization, leadership position |
74 |
6.3% |
15.7% |
Local community organization, member |
168 |
14.3% |
35.7% |
Local community organization, leadership position |
107 |
9.1% |
22.7% |
Advocacy organization, member |
105 |
8.9% |
22.3% |
Advocacy organization, leadership position |
47 |
4.0% |
10.0% |
Advisory groups, member |
103 |
8.8% |
21.9% |
Advisory groups, leadership position. |
36 |
3.1% |
7.6% |
Other, please specify: |
44 |
3.7% |
9.3% |
None |
57 |
4.8% |
12.1% |
Total |
1176 |
100.0% |
5. Other Outcomes
Our alumni survey showed that approximately 37 percent of the graduates hold or have held elected or appointed positions at the local, county, state, federal, or international levels, with the highest percentage being appointed local officials.
Response from graduates that currently hold or have held any elected or appointed official positions. (All that apply are checked.)
Responses |
Percent of Cases |
N |
Percent |
Local appointed official |
101 |
19.1% |
21.2% |
Local elected official |
22 |
4.2% |
4.6% |
County appointed official |
29 |
5.5% |
6.1% |
County elected official |
3 |
0.6% |
0.6% |
State appointed official |
25 |
4.7% |
5.2% |
State elected official |
1 |
0.2% |
0.2% |
Federal appointed official |
4 |
0.8% |
0.8% |
International appointed official |
5 |
0.9% |
1.0% |
International elected official |
1 |
0.2% |
0.2% |
None |
338 |
63.9% |
70.9% |
Total |
529 |
100.0% |
Tuition & Fees
Tuition and fees calculated for academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), and include tuition rates + student fees.
2024-25 Academic Year Tuition and Fees |
Tuition |
Fees |
Total |
In-State Residents, per full-time academic year | $20,616 | $2,859 | $23,475 |
Out-of-State Residents, per full-time academic year | $34,896 | $2,859 | $37,755 |
Students are also charged a health fee that varies from term to term, unless they waive the fee. Information on the health fee and for a complete list of student fees and for per-credit-hour breakdown, please refer to the University’s Tuition and Fees for New Brunswick Campus Graduate Students here:
Please note that tuition and fees for each school year are available around July 15th. Most updated tuition and fees schedule is available at
Student Retention & Graduation Rates
The retention rate for a master’s program is the percentage of students who return the next academic year. The graduation rate for a master’s program is the percentage of students who graduate within four (4) years of enrolling.
Student Retention Rate |
Percent |
Percentage of students who began studies in fall 2023 and continued into fall 2024 | 94.0 |
Student Graduation Rate |
Percent |
Percentage of students graduating within 4 years, entering class of 2020 | 95.0 |
Number of Degrees Awarded
Number of Degrees Awarded |
Total |
Number of degrees awarded for the 2023-2024 Academic Year | 53 |
AICP Certification
To become a certified planner, members of the American Planning Association (APA) must meet certain education and experience requirements and pass the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Exam. The pass rate is the percentage of test takers who pass the examination within 3 years of graduating from a masters program, and / or within 5 years of graduating from a bachelors program.
AICP Certification |
Percent |
Percentage of master’s graduates taking the AICP exam within 3 years who pass, graduating class of 2020 | 100.0 |
Employment Rate
Employment |
Percent |
Percentage of all graduates obtaining professional planning, planning-related, or other positions within 12 months of graduation, graduating class of 2023 | 91.6 |
Organizations Employing Recent Urban Planning Alumni
- Applied Energy Group
- Apprise Energy Research
- Blueprint Research Group
- Connecticut Department of Revenue Services
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Office of Governor Christie
- Healthcare Quality Strategies
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Maryland Department of Legislative Services
Mathematica - Mission First Housing Development Corporation
- National Institute for Early Education Research
- New Jersey Community Capital
- New Jersey Department of Labor
- New Jersey Office of Legislative Services
- New Jersey Office of Management and Budget
- New Solutions Inc.
- Novo Nordisk
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- Princeton Survey Research Associates
- Quintiles Transnational
- San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
- Social Science Research Solutions
- Zais Group
- 91% Employed or pursuing Higher Education six months post-graduation
- 91% Percentage of 2022 MCRP students employed or pursuing further education six months post-graduation.
- 9% Unknown Employment Status
- $72,800 Average salary for the class of 2022

Top Employers of our MCRP Graduates and Interns
Our students and alumni have found meaningful internships and work in the public, non-profit, and private sectors, and have dedicated themselves to enacting effective changes at the federal, state and local levels.
- Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA)
- NYC Housing Development Corporation (NYCHDC)
- Heyer, Gruel and Associates
- Housing and Community Development Network of
New Jersey (HCDNNJ) - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
- Amtrak
- Middlesex County
- NJ Transit
- The Port Authority of NY & NJ (PANYNJ)
- New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)
Degree Programs
Student & Academic Services
Steve Weston
Assistant Dean of Academic Administration
Courtney Culler
Associate Director for Graduate Student Services
Greg Marrero
Student Counselor, Graduate Student Services
Andrea Garrido
Career Management Specialist for Planning, Policy, and Informatics Masters Students
Cheryl Egan
Career Management Specialist for Health Administration Masters Students