University Operating Status

WEATHER UPDATE: The university remains open. For changes to schedules on Thursday, February 6, including remote instruction and operations due to expected weather conditions, check

2025 IHC Grant Program Funding Opportunities

January 24, 2025

The New Jersey Inclusive Healthy Communities (IHC) grant program has announced its latest Request for Proposals (RFP) for grants to local governments and nonprofit organizations to advance policy and systems change through the inclusion of people with disabilities to build healthy communities. 

How to Apply for an IHC Grant

Step 1: Learn more about the program

A solid grasp of the IHC program will help your organization craft a strong proposal. For an overview of the IHC program, see the video at right. Click on the buttons below to learn more about our previous grant recipients; view webinars on key issues related to health, equity, and inclusion for people with disabilities; and find a list of additional resources.

Step 2: Review RFP

Carefully review the Request for Proposals (RFP).

Step 3: Attend a virtual workshop (recommended)

Applicants are strongly encouraged to register for one of two identical virtual workshops. At least one member of an applicant’s team should attend one of the workshops.

Step 4: Submit Letter of Intent (required)

Deadline: February 14, 2025, 5pm EST.
A letter of intent must be submitted through our application portal. Click on the button below and follow the prompts. The deadline for submitting a Letter of Intent is February 14, 2025, at 5pm EST.

Step 5: Submit questions (optional)

Deadline: February 21, 2025, 5pm EST. 

If you have questions about the RFP, please submit them to and write “IHC RFP Questions” in the subject line.

All questions and answers will be posted below within approximately three business days of receipt. The question-and-answer period will end on February 21, 2025, at 5pm EST. No questions will be accepted after this time.

Step 6: Submit completed proposal (required)

Deadline: March 7, 2025, 5pm EST
Your application must be submitted through our application portal. Click on the button below and follow the prompts. The deadline for submitting an application is March 7, 2025, at 5pm EST.

The following documents will help you prepare your application:

Application Checklist (Word)
This is a checklist of all the items you are required to submit with your application. Please note: your application will not be accepted for consideration unless it is complete!

Narrative Questions in Application Portal (Word)
This is a preview of the narrative questions you will be required to enter in the application portal.

Budget Template (Excel)
Budget Template Instructions (Word)
This a copy of the Excel template (and instructions) you will be asked to use for submitting your proposed budget.

Step 7: Review award announcements

The schedule for award announcements and appeals has not been determined. Please check back soon.


Questions and Answers

If you have questions about the RFP, please submit them to and write “IHC RFP Questions” in the subject line. All questions and answers will be posted below within three business days of receipt. The question-and-answer period will end on February 21, 2025, at 5pm EST. No questions will be accepted after this time.

No questions have been submitted yet. Please check back soon.


Additional Resources

Listed below are additional resources applicants may find useful as they work on their proposals.

Disability Profile Snapshot Tool

  • Disability Profile Snapshot Tool, an interactive web tool creates a profile of disability within New Jersey geographies.  Select a county and a municipality and then click on the “Available Reports” icon to access your Disability Profile Snapshot.  Developed by NJAES Office of Research Analytics, Rutgers University.

Tool Kits, Websites, Fact Sheets



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