While many politicians have been aware of this for some time, a major wakeup call was sounded last year with a report from the Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School of Policy and Planning, which showed a massive shift of population away from the suburban ring of towns and toward the state’s urban core. Some of what authors James W. Hughes, Bloustein’s dean, and Joseph Seneca, an economics professor, called a “seismic shift” was traced to the millennial generation’s preference for walkable cities with public transportation hubs and entertaining and lively downtowns.
Dr. Emily Parker Discuses FQHCs with The Daily Targum
On Sept. 3, a study was published outlining the potential of federal programs aimed at uplifting immigrant communities, through the lens of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Emily Parker, assistant professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and...