University Operating Status

WEATHER UPDATE: The university remains open. For changes to schedules on Thursday, February 6, including remote instruction and operations due to expected weather conditions, check

Student Projects

ONTRACK: Transit-Oriented Development for North Brunswick

Phase 1 Presentation

Phase 2 Presentation


The Northeast Corridor (NEC) is the most heavily traveled passenger rail corridor in the country. Over 2000 passenger trains move 750,000 people along the corridor daily to serve as a vital component of the regional transportation system. Working with AECOM and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) graduate planning and design students studied the existing conditions at New Jersey’s 15 NEC stations. They created the Phase 1 NJ FUTURE: A Rail Station Typology Guide for New Jersey’s North East Corridor including station typologies design guidelines.

ONTRACK Phase 2: Transit-Oriented Development Paths for North Brunswick includes master plans for the 212-acre site location for the future NJ Transit and Amtrak 2040 station. The transit oriented development (TOD) compares three alternatives: Suburban, Neighborhood Center, and City Center options for future development. Each alternative contains illustrative concepts, impacts, and policies for the three alternatives. Subsequent comparison discussions with AECOM and the FRA included an overview of the development impacts, land-use distribution, and shared policies.