Other Reports

November 14, 2018

Reports produced by Bloustein School faculty and staff.

Who Lives in New Jersey Housing? UPDATED New Jersey Demographic Multipliers: The Profile of Occupants of Residential Development in New Jersey (November 2018)

Written by David Listokin and Alexander Voicu.
*** Note that the original 2007 report may be found at the bottom of this page***


Contribution of the Commercial Banking and Savings Institutions Sectors to the New Jersey Economy (February 2016)

This study analyzes the contribution of commercial banks and savings institutions – referred to as the “banking industry” – to the New Jersey economy. The report provides a definition of the industry, an estimate of its annual economic impacts in New Jersey, and an overview of recent industryemployment trends in New Jersey and the nation. Produced for the New Jersey Bankers Association.


Sixth Annual Economic Survey–Final Analysis and Report of Survey Results to the New Jersey Bankers Association 2015-16 (February 2016)

The 2015-16 survey inquired about national and state current economic assessments, as well as six-month projections; expectations about long-term and short-term interest rates; commercial real estate and business loan demand; and residential loan demand. The survey also explores changing demographics. For example, a large portion of respondents indicated that there is a trend of out‐migration of Baby Boomers from New Jersey to other states.


Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2014 (September 2015)

The National Park Service issues annual reports on the HTC program quantifying the number of historic rehabilitations certified each year, their reported costs, and other statistical information on the program. For FY 2014, the National Park Service turned to the Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research, through a cooperative agreement, to undertake and report on the economic impacts of the HTC for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. This report highlights its main findings.


Contributions of the Life Sciences Industry to the New Jersey Economy (June 2014)

Recognizing the continuing evolution of New Jersey’s life sciences industry, BioNJ’s comprehensive report documents the ongoing growth of the biotechnology sector in the state and combines and assesses the contributions of the entirety of the life sciences sector to New Jersey’s economy, including employment and economic impact. The Bloustein School conducted the economic contribution study.


National Transit Institute Annual Report (2012)

The National Transit Institute annual report for Rutgers Fiscal Year 2012.


Alan M. Voorhees Transporatation Center Annual Report 2010 (2011)

The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center has issued their annual report for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.


Second Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit

A follow-up report by Rutgers professors David Listokin and Michael Lahr, with assistance by researchers at the Center for Urban Policy Research and the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, analyzing the economic impact of the federal Historic Tax Credit since its inception in 1976.

Report|Press Release

National Transit Institute Annual Report (2011)

The National Transit Institute annual report for Rutgers Fiscal Year 2010.


The Contribution of the Casino Hotel Industry to New Jersey’s Economy, August 2010

A new report by scholars from the Bloustein School’s Center for Urban Policy Research, this report, highlights the significant impact the New Jersey casino resort industry has across the state.


First Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit (2010)

A comprehensive report by Rutgers professors David Listokin and Michael Lahr, with assistance by researchers at the Center for Urban Policy Research and the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, analyzing the economic impact of the federal Historic Tax Credit since its inception in 1976.

Report|Press Release

A National Survey of Local Land-Use Regulations: Steps Toward a Beginning

Robert W. Burchell and Michael L. Lahr, Principal Investigators. This report provides valuable information and guidance to anyone in the research and policy communities concerned with obtaining sound data for regulatory barriers and related land-use issues.


New Jersey Logistical Competitiveness: Ominous Trendlines

A report for the NJ Society of Industrial and Office Realtors which focuses on Port Newark/Elizabeth and the related logistics industry in New Jersey.


NJ Economic Policy Forum ‘C-Suite Survey’

The first of three annual surveys of corporate leaders on the health of state’s economy.

Press Release

Updated Economic Benefits of the New Jersey Stem Cell Capital Projects and Research Bond Acts

This report by Dr. Joseph J. Seneca, University Professor, and Will Irving, Research Associate, is an update of the analysis of the economic benefits of the New Jersey stem cell research initiative submitted by the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University to Governor Richard J. Codey in October of 2005. Since that original report was completed, the initiative has been revised and now consists of bond acts that would authorize capital expenditures of $270 million for construction and equipping of stem cell research and other biomedical facilities and $450 million in funds for on-going stem cell research.


Local Public Finance Database

The Center for Urban Policy Research, in collaboration with the Center of Government Services, has assembled the first Local Public Finance Database, providing property tax and local spending data for New Jersey’s 21 counties, 566 municipalities, and more than 600 school districts. The data can also be viewed for the municipalities comprising the New Jersey Meadowlands, Pinelands, Highlands, and Abbott school district areas.

Who Lives in New Jersey Housing? New Jersey Demographic Multipliers: The Profile of Occupants of Residential and Nonresidential Development (2007)

Written by David Listokin with Ioan Voicu, William Dolphin and Matthew Camp from the Center for Urban Policy Research.

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