The politics of Rising Rents—Rent control verses the free market

September 9, 2023

Rents in Australia have risen sharply during the past three years, and it’s become a political issue. The Greens are demanding the introduction of rent controls, but that idea has been rejected by most federal and state leaders. What do we mean when we talk about rent controls, how effective are they at controlling rising rents and what impact do they have on the rental market.


Konstantin Kholodilin is a Research Associate of the German Institute for Economic Research.

Marietta Haffner is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Architecture, and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Mark Paul is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy, Rutgers University in America.

Ken Gibb is Professor at the University of Glascow, and the Director of the UK Collaboratory Centre for Housing Evidence., September 9, 2023

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