Bloustein School Ph.D. candidate Jaekyeong “Jamie” Kwon has been selected as one of the recipients of the 2020 Howard Leventhal Trainee Scholarship, presented annually by the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers University.
Ms. Kwon’s research interests include the transport disadvantage of people with disabilities and the extra costs of transportation for people with disabilities. Her working dissertation title is “Challenges and Impacts of Auto-mobility for People with Disabilities.” She earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Korea University in Seoul, and a Master in Public Policyfrom the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago.
As a member of the National Academy of Sciences and Board of Governors Professor and a founding member of IFH, Howard Leventhal’s forward-thinking research furthered health psychology research in the effects of cultural context on perception and management of chronic illnesses. With a long history of supporting student development through his Mind-Body Center, the Howard Leventhal Trainee Scholarship provides promising doctoral students with the funds necessary to jump-start their investigative careers. Awardees may use the funding from this award to support research expenses, including research assistant support, equipment, research translation.