Barchi’s Foundations of Medical Ethics and Policy course is “a fantastic interdisciplinary learning experience.”

April 19, 2023

We find ourselves again amid course registration season — some already have their classes picked out, while others are still scrambling on Course Schedule Planner. Whether you’re registering for your first or final semester, Rutgers offers an endless selection of interesting classes across all departments.

I’ve taken so many incredible classes at Rutgers, some of which I didn’t even know were offered. Whether you’re a senior trying to fill time or an underclassman just looking to figure out what you’re interested in, try checking out the courses mentioned below as a way to learn something new!

Foundations of Medical Ethics and Policy

If you’re on the pre-med track, taking this course could be an interesting look into the world of medical ethics and policies. This course seeks to introduce people to certain ideas and theories that have influenced modern medical ethics and decision-making.

It’s a mix of lectures, group work and essay writing, so I wouldn’t suggest this course if you’re not particularly interested in writing. But I think this course, like many at Rutgers, is a fantastic interdisciplinary learning experience.

It combines health care with philosophy and gives students a glimpse into how the two can make an impact by studying the foundations of modern ideas and practices. I took it with Francis Barchi, an associate professor in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, who was knowledgeable and passionate about her work, making this course both fun and informative. 

The Daily Targum, April 19, 2023

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