
Carl Van Horn

New Heldrich brief: New Jersey Career Network Job Seeker Community

Established in response to the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Community sought to provide job seekers with a virtual community where they could access job search resources, connect with peers, and share materials and tools designed to assist with emotional well-being during the job search.

How to Lay Someone Off with Care, Compassion and Dignity

A few days after being let go, a Philadelphia-based content marketing professional posted on LinkedIn: “Here’s what getting laid off feels like: You just got hit by a bus. And now, before you’ve had a chance to assess your injuries or even collect your stuff...

Murphy Administration Pilots Lifelong Learning Program

In partnership with the Office of Governor Phil Murphy, the Office of Innovation and the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) have teamed up to fund a two-year pilot program to provide job-coaching, training, and employment support to...

More NJ Workers are Engaging in Career Cushioning

The New Jersey economy remains relatively strong but inflation and supply chain disruption issues have caused problems for many New Jersey businesses, and there is growing concern among workers about possible layoffs. According to Carl Van Horn, the director of the...

Biases Against Older Workers Unfounded

“Employers have certain biases about older workers,” says Carl Van Horn, founding director at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University and professor at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. “They aren’t tech...

Business Report: Health insurance premiums, higher minimum wage

Teachers and school employees are the latest workers facing sharply higher health insurance premiums. The state’s School Employees’ Health Benefits Commission voted to increase rates by about 15% for next year. Last week, a separate commission approved double-digit...

Van Horn Quoted in Regard to Union Rail Strike

On September 15, 2022, freight railway companies and their workers reached a tentative agreement after President Joe Biden intervened in marathon negotiations to avert a strike that could have paralyzed the economy. “Sometimes there’s a narrative that, ‘Oh, I’m going...


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Jersey City Alumni Mixer

Zeppelin Hall Biergarten 88 Liberty View Dr, Jersey City

Join us for an alumni mixer in #JerseyCity on Thursday, June 6th at Zeppelin Hall Biergarten. Parking for Zeppelin Hall is FREE - more information can be found here: This […]