But it stops short of making specific recommendations while examining a range of policies that other states are trying in an effort to reduce their carbon footprints, as well as many strategies frequently debated among New Jersey policymakers. “The good news in New...
Moore Foundation grants $1.2 million to to support progress on mid-atlantic ocean data portal
The Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute (UCI) has received a $1.2 million Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant to continue the development of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal (portal.midatlanticocean.org), a free, state-of-the-art mapping and information...
Five Northeast states, DC to develop potential market-based policies to cut greenhouse gas emissions from transportation
On November 24 the Georgetown Climate Center (GCC) released a report prepared by the GCC with Cambridge Systematics regarding opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in the northeast and mid-Atlantic. The report, “Reducing...
Update to New Jersey's Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Researchers at the Rutgers Climate Institute and the Bloustein School have issued updates to New Jersey's estimated total greenhouse gas emissions as reported in New Jersey's Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, last issued in 2012 for year 2009. This update,...
NJ on Track to Meet 2020 Pollution Target — 2050 Goals More Problematic
The state is on a path to meet its goals to reduce greenhouse-gas pollution by 2020, but achieving its ambitious 2050 targets will take much more work, according to an updated inventory of those emissions by the Rutgers Climate Institute and Rutgers Edward J....
EJB researchers create new climate change mapping website for New Jersey
NJADAPT.org, a new climate change mapping website for New Jersey, was launched this week. The project was spearheaded by EJB's Environmental Analysis and Communications Group. Jeanne Herb, associate director of the Rutgers Environmental Analysis and Communications...