
historic preservation

“Rutgers Then and Now:” A Discussion with the Authors

Stuart Shapiro discusses the new book by University Professor and Bloustein School Dean Emeritus James W. Hughes and Distinguished Professor David Listokin, “Rutgers Then and Now.” If you missed the book release event held on Thursday, December 12, this podcast is your chance to hear more about the events that led to the creation of the book.

Preserving History Boosts Local Economies

An area doesn’t need to be on the National Register in order to be a local historic district, and vice versa. Standards for local districts often grow out of national ones, but what constitutes a local historic district depends on the place. The age of the property...

Tax reform threatens historic buildings

As the GOP undertakes comprehensive tax reform, it should restore the Federal Historic Tax Credit, a program that preserves America’s irreplaceable historic buildings, generates jobs and more than pays for itself. It simply makes no sense to jettison an incentive...


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