In order to help people not earning quite enough to qualify for a private loan, Linda Stamato advocates for the creation of public banks, as promised by Gov. Murphy in Executive Order 91. Public banks would provide capital for affordable housing and assist underserved communities.
Linda Stamato
Stamato Commentary: Freedom of expression through Rutgers lens
Linda Stamato explains that Rutgers University and many other institutions have historically upheld a principle of institutional neutrality in political matters, a stance dating back to the Vietnam War era. Presidents like Mason Gross and Edward J. Bloustein maintained that while the university as an entity should not take official positions on public issues, it would support individual freedoms of expression.
Stamato Commentary: Colleges and universities should maintain neutrality amid campus protests
Linda Stamato explains that Rutgers University and many other institutions have historically upheld a principle of institutional neutrality in political matters, a stance dating back to the Vietnam War era. Presidents like Mason Gross and Edward J. Bloustein maintained that while the university as an entity should not take official positions on public issues, it would support individual freedoms of expression.
Covid’s enduring lesson: The U.S. has no federal system to protect public health
When disease prevention is done right, we don’t notice. When it isn’t, disease spreads, people get sick, and they die. Then, we pay close attention. After the threat passes, stock is taken, and, oddly enough, investment in public health declines.
Stamato Video: Saving Local Journalism In New Jersey
Linda Stamato sits down with Steve Adubato to discuss her personal crusade to save local journalism.
Commentary: No news is bad news for democracy
Faculty Fellow Linda Stamato highlights the critical challenges faced by local journalism in the United States, and advocates for nonprofit journalism as a potential solution.
Stamato Commentary: Freedom to read is freedom to think. It’s time for NJ lawmakers to protect both
“Across the nation, folks are using the power of the state to limit access to books, pressuring libraries to take books out of circulation. And school boards are considering demands to remove certain books from classroom reading and discussion. Taking a long historical perspective, it’s really nothing new. But it’s no less dangerous.”
Stamato Commentary: Believe in democracy? Then, I’ve got some bad news for you.
Faculty Fellow Linda Stamato highlights the critical challenges faced by local journalism in the United States.
Stamato Commentary: Two billion spaces, and counting. How much parking do we need?
Faculty Fellow Linda Stamato explores the pervasive impact of parking space mandates on urban planning, criticizing the prioritization of parking over people in cities and towns.
Stamato & Jaffe Opinion: The U.S. Supreme Court, regulation and the ‘deep state’
A new opinion piece by Linda Stamato and Sandy Jaffe, policy fellows at the New Jersey State Policy Lab covers how two recent decisions by the United States Supreme Court diminish the regulatory authority of federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection...
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Bloustein Librarian Open Office Hours
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesHave a research or library question you need assistance with? Visit Open Office Hours with Bloustein Librarian Julia Maxwell. Every Monday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Can't […]
Virtual Information Session: Graduate Program in Public Informatics
VirtualYou are cordially invited to join us at this virtual informational session for the - Bloustein School's fall 2024 virtual information sessions for our Master of Public Informatics (MPI) degree […]
Undergraduate Research Discovery Session: Public Health and Public Policy
Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesDr. Jane Miller will present information about the Bloustein Honors Research Program (BHRP) and independent study options available. Dr. Liz Cooner, Director of the NJ State Policy Lab, will be […]
Indiana University Health Administrative Fellowship Information Session
VirtualBloustein School Career Services, Rutgers Graduate Society of Healthcare Leaders, and Indiana University Health are sponsoring an administrative fellowship information session. Please join current Indiana University Health Administrative Fellows Anne […]