The panel underscored the importance of transportation safety and community engagement, agreeing that temporary demonstration projects, complete street policies, and incremental changes over time will help with both.
Michael Smart
Grand Central Madison, one year later: Embraced by some, reluctantly accepted by others
“I think it’s a good project,” Smart said about East Side Access. “The fact that it exists today makes New York City a better place than if we didn’t have it. The benefits, however, really accrue to a relatively small number of people. For each person, the benefit is moderate.”
Surface Transportation News: Reducing car travel, Maryland express lanes, and more
Is Reducing Car Travel a Wise Policy for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals? California is one of a handful of states that have set targets for reducing the amount of driving, as measured by vehicle miles of travel (VMT). An Aug. 18 Streetsblog article headline...
The impossible paradox of car ownership
Arizona State University Professor David King and two colleagues, Michael Manville at UCLA and Michael Smart at Rutgers, decided to look at the falling socioeconomic status of carless people in the United States. In a paper published in 2019, they found that the...
Research: Klein, Basu, and Smart publish “Transitions into and out of Car Ownership among Low-Income Households in the United States”
In this article, the authors examine low-income households’ transitions into and out of car ownership. They focus on car ownership because of the crucial role that access to a car plays in enabling participation in society and the hardships that those without cars face.
Research by Klein, Basu & Smart – In the driver’s seat: Pathways to automobile ownership for lower-income households in the United States
The authors examine how lower-income households in the United States acquire automobiles. Although car ownership plays a vital role in social and economic mobility in the US, transportation scholars know little about how low-income households obtain cars.
Prof. Michael Smart Cited in Vehicle Access Article
In an article titled "US Auto Access Improves Over a Decade," published in New Geography, Wendell Cox reflects on domestic policy surrounding access to transportation. Citing "The Poverty of the Carless: Toward Universal Auto Access" authored by King, Smart, and...
2019’s Cities with the Best & Worst Public Transportation
Bloustein Associate Professor Mike Smart is one of five featured experts who were asked how America's public transportation could be improved, and what makes a good system in the first place, in WalletHub's ranking of U.S. cities with the best and worst public...
Why congestion pricing is a wise investment for society | Opinion
....some advocates for low-income households and the environment complain that user fees for driving are regressive, i.e. they take a higher percent of the incomes of poor households. The problem with this argument is that, if driving continues to be subsidized, there...
Bloustein Faculty Profile: Mike Smart, assistant professor of transportation planning
by Paul Hislip, Communications intern (Class of 2018) I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Bloustein School assistant professor Michael Smart, whose primary research has explored the ways in which social networks embedded in particular neighborhoods of...