Established in 2020, the Great American Outdoors Act promised the investment in national parks that the U.S. desperately needed by providing permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund & creating a national parks & lands restoration program.
New Jersey State Policy Lab
NJSPL – Fostering Emotional Resilience: Virtual Schwartz Rounds for Nurses
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the critical role of nurses cannot be overstated. Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare, navigating complex situations while providing compassionate care to all New Jerseyans. However, the demanding nature of the nursing profession can take a toll on their emotional well-being.
NJSPL – New Jersey Population Growth Recovers
This month, the U.S. Census Bureau released its annual state population estimates, revealing that New Jersey is resuming population growth after experiencing a decline of nearly 30,000 residents since the 2020 Decennial Census. The increase of just over 30,000 residents (0.3%) in 2023 as of the Bureau’s July 1 estimate brings the state population to slightly above the April 1 2020 decennial base.
NJSPL – Enabling Aging in Place: A Vital Strategy for Residents of Subsidized Senior Housing
The concept of “aging in place” appeals to many people as they strive to maintain their residence and independence despite evolving needs for supportive services during the natural course of aging. However, challenges persist, particularly for older adults residing in publicly subsidized senior housing.
NJSPL – Is There Cause for Concern in New Jersey’s Latest Unemployment Numbers?
New Jersey’s post-pandemic economic recovery has seen steady payroll employment growth, but concerns arise as the state experiences a notable increase in its unemployment rate, rising from 3.0% in August 2022 to 4.6% in October.
NJSPL – Rethinking Complete Streets
In January 2023, Governor Phil Murphy directed the NJ DOT to update its Complete Streets policy to include design practices for neurodivergent people, including those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or intellectual and development disabilities.
NJSPL Report Release: Who Experienced the Greatest Financial Burden from Inflation in NJ?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, New Jersey experienced decades-long high levels of inflation, but that inflation is not expected to affect all New Jerseyans equally. Researchers Jocelyn Fischer and Yana van der Muelen Rodgers examined gender and racial/ethnic inequality in the financial effects of inflation for this report.
R/ECON Forecast for November 2023 shows slow or stagnant growth for near future
R/ECON’s economic forecast for New Jersey as of November 2023 shows slow or stagnant growth over the next five to six quarters, with GDP recovering to a steady but tepid rate of increase in 2025. This largely mirrors the U.S. trajectory, though at lower growth levels than the national outlook.
NJSPL – Aging New Jersey: Long-Term Care Challenges and Quality Ratings in Nursing Homes
A new project from the NJSPL, led by Miyeon Song and her team at Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration, intends to better understand New Jersey’s Nursing Home Compare (NHC) rating system, and how nursing homes in the state respond to their facilities’ ratings.
NJSPL – Examining Low-Income Community Solar Program and Energy Justice in New Jersey: An AI-based Crowdsourcing Study
To examine the effectiveness of NJ’s low-income community solar program, the research team will use an AI-based crowdsourcing tool to engage residents from Newark’s under-resourced communities in an online open discussion to better assess their understanding of such energy justice programs.
Upcoming Events
February Mock Interviewing Clinic – signups through Jan. 30
VirtualSharpen your interviewing skills by practicing one-on-one with one of our alumni, employer partner in the planning/policy/informatics/health administration realm, or Human Resources professional. After completing the RSVP form, you will […]
February Mock Interviewing Clinic – signups through Jan. 30
VirtualSharpen your interviewing skills by practicing one-on-one with one of our alumni, employer partner in the planning/policy/informatics/health administration realm, or Human Resources professional. After completing the RSVP form, you will […]
Geography Speaker Series: The Map in the Machine: Charting the Spatial Architecture of Digital Capitalism
Tillett Hall 50 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, United StatesDigital technologies have changed how we shop, work, play, and communicate, reshaping our societies and economies. To understand digital capitalism, we need to grasp how advances in geospatial technologies underpin […]
Virtual Career Drop-ins
VirtualStop by virtually on Mondays (except for holidays) beginning February 3 through April 28 between 11 am and 1 pm to ask a quick (15 min) career-related question of Bloustein […]
Virtual Information Session: Graduate Program in Public Informatics
VirtualYou are cordially invited to join us at one of our upcoming virtual informational sessions for Rutgers-Bloustein School's spring 2025 virtual information sessions for our Master of Public Informatics (MPI) […]