

NJSPL Report Release: Analyzing Child-Care Provider Subsidies in New Jersey

A new report from Andrea Hetling, Gregory Porumbescu, and Henry Coleman examines public child-care subsidies. In 2020, New Jersey switched to an enrollment-based subsidy policy from the prior attendance-based system, both for public health purposes and to ensure a consistent stream of income to child-care providers during the pandemic.

NJSPL – Forever Chemicals: A Hidden Health Hazard

PFA substances (PFAS) are a group of human-made chemicals that are ideal to use in consumer and commercial products due to their ability to fight off stains, grease, water, oil, and fire,. Researchers at the School of Public Health and the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute found that volunteer firefighters have higher blood levels of PFAS chemicals compared to the general population

NJSPL – Growing Cybersecurity Concerns for Telehealth Services

Healthcare organizations are increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches, which put patients’ safety, privacy, and financial stability at risk. Statistics have shown that from 2014 to 2022, 14,655 data breaches were reported in the United States, out of which the healthcare industry faced 4,959 breaches, the most by any industry.

NJSPL – Validating the Impact of a Community-Engaged Approach on Persistence with Digital Technology Among Older Adults

The Office of University-Community Partnerships/Center for Health Equity and Community Engagement (OUCP/CHECE) and Advocates for Healthy Living Initiative (AHLI) hosted the Senior Connect Digital Divide Participant Recognition on Wednesday, June 28. Participants and community partners joined in honoring their efforts, sharing findings from the pilot phase, and collecting new data and information to shape the program going forward.

NJSPL – Many Paths, One Future: New Jersey’s Commitment to Higher Education Attainment

In 2016, the New Jersey Combined State Plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act proposed and committed to a goal that 65% of the state’s working-age adult population will complete some type of education beyond a high school diploma by the year 2025. On behalf of the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE), the New Jersey State Policy Lab and Dr. Garcia will be evaluating the state’s progress towards this objective.

NJSPL – Satisfaction with Telehealth Among Adults with Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are the leading causes of disability and death in the U.S., and often result in increased health burdens and high expenditures. With the increasing prevalence of chronic disease and its associated costs, it is important to understand how telehealth can alleviate barriers to care and improve outcomes for those with chronic illnesses.

NJSPL – New Jersey Snapshot: Rising Population Yet Declining School Enrollments

Schools in NJ experienced a 2% decrease in enrollment from Fall 2010 to Fall 2021, and an additional 7% drop is projected to occur between Fall 2021 and Fall 2031. And yet in roughly the same amount of time, state’s population has increased overall by 5.5%. Understanding these trends will require further research to take into account a greater multitude of demographic variables.

NJSPL – Nearly Half of NJ Residents Struggled to Pay Household Expenses

According to a follow-up survey conducted by the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling, more New Jerseyans are finding it difficult to pay for typical household expenses. In July 2022, 42% of residents indicated they found it somewhat or very difficult to pay for household expenses such as food, mortgages, or medical expenses, and in the May 2023 poll, that number rose to 48%.
