Today’s NJSPL Report examines suspension rates among NJ high schools serving high proportions of students of color, low-income students, English learners, and students with disabilities.
racial disparity
Combatting racial disparities – Calling for equity, not equality, in the battle against COVID
COVID-19 continues to have a disparate impact on Black and Brown communities. Why is a community so greatly affected so apprehensive about taking a vaccine?
Advocate and Educator: From the CROWN Act to the Classroom
A discussion of the connection between hair discrimination and racial discrimination with Associate Teaching Professor Patti O’Brien-Richardson
White Docs on the Short End of One Racial Disparity
In an accompanying commentary, Joel C. Cantor, ScD, and Dawne M. Mouzon, PhD, both of Rutgers University, were skeptical of the results, suggesting that the Stanford group perhaps didn't dig deep enough. "Prior work has shown that primary care physicians experience...
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