Many working moms dream of transitioning from corporate office work to part-time or telecommuting. But while it can seem ideal, flexible work isn’t the right choice for everyone. Our experts help you weigh your options.
Your corporate job has helped advance your career and pay your bills, but the long hours often make it tough to balance work and family. Switching to a more flexible job seems right for you, but is it really? To help you figure it out, two workplace experts—Jocelyn Elise Crowley, Ph.D., a professor of public policy at the Bloustein School and author of Mothers Unite! Organizing for Workplace Flexibility and the Transformation of Family Life, and Julie Bauke, chief career happiness officer for The Bauke Group and author of the report The 5 Mistakes Women Make that Screw Up Their Careers, discuss the pros and cons of transitioning to telecommuting, part-time work and flex scheduling.