Facilitators from the Planning Healthy Communities Initiative at the Bloustein School will lead an introductory training on health impact assessment as a tool to promote community health and equity in planning processes and decision-making on Wednesday, November 9. The event is open to the public at a cost of $95 per person; multi-person registration is $75 per person.
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) can be used to evaluate a proposed plan or project’s potential effects on the health of a population. HIA provides evidence-based recommendations aimed at enhancing positive health impacts and minimizing negative ones. In this session, participants will engage in group exercises related to HIA steps, discuss opportunities and challenges to integrating health into planning and policy processes, and learn about new statewide collaborative initiatives and emerging tools to build capacity for health advancement in planning, and to support health in all policies.
The course is approved for 0.5 Rutgers CEU’s and is eligible for 10 points toward certification in the Sustainable Jersey program under the “Health in All Policies Professional Development Training” action.
To register, visit http://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/ep0704ha.html.