Assistant Teaching Professor Anita Franzione was recently selected to be the chair for the Advancing Women Leaders in Healthcare Faculty Forum. As forum chair she will set the agenda for the forum’s 45-minute session at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, which will take place June 3 – 5, 2020. She will also lead the session.
Anita Franzione has been in the field of health care for over 30 years, working in all sectors of health care from ambulatory care settings to acute care hospitals, nonprofit agencies, long term care organizations, for-profit insurance companies, and quality improvement organizations and in different specialties, including mental health and HIV/ADIS services. Dr. Franzione has been teaching in the Bloustein School’s undergraduate program since 2015, and teaches courses in Health Care Systems, Public Health Principles, Public Health & Aging, as well as serving as a coordinator in the Bloustein School’s undergraduate internship program.