The Bloustein Local Government Research Center was recently awarded a $35,000 grant from the New Jersey Municipal Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund (MEL-JIF) to research and develop “best practices” that can be employed by New Jersey local government units to identify and manage risks related to the use of digital technology in local government activities.
“We recognize that ‘digital technology risk management’ is a new and evolving field for local government units that may require research and development of guidance material that is not readily available to local government officials,” said Marc Pfeiffer, assistant director of Bloustein Local and principal investigator for the project. “Our end goal will be to educate local government officials on the technical, management, legal, and related risks of digital technology used by government agencies.”
Bloustein Local is developing professional development educational material that will cover best practices and related guidance, and present the material as printed collateral, online webinars and videos, and in-person seminar presentations. The series will address general government activities, which includes municipal government services such as core public safety activities, with specialty annexes to address utility and environmental services, housing authorities, and fire districts.