The American Planning Association-New Jersey Chapter (APA-NJ) recently released a documentary created by Brandon Mckoy, 2012 Student Representative and fellow Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy student Susannah Dyen, that compares and contrasts planning issues in New Jersey and the Southern region of the United States (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana). It is a collection of interviews with citizens and experts about the problems they face in and around their communities on a daily basis, and how these issues affect their lives. Themes in the documentary revolve around regional perceptions (both inside and outside), physical development, sprawl, transportation, economics, and discrimination. The goal of this documentary is not to propose answers to the many problems that American cities face, but rather to show how these problems are perceived by the citizens who live and interact with them.
You can watch the documentary at YouTube:! (approximately 1 hour).