
Urban Planning Studios

Reimagining Circulation in Somerset County, NJ

This Studio Class has worked with the Somerset County Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development to explore strategies that would complement and leverage the new vision for public transportation in Somerset County.

The Greenway, NJDEP

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) acquired approximately nine miles of an abandoned Norfolk Southern rail line that passes through eight municipalities in Essex and Hudson counties. NJDEP envisions converting the land into a new State Park in the form of a multi-modal greenway. This Spring 2023 studio, led by Barbara Faga, is beautifully outlined in this StoryMap.

Meadowlands Resilience Planning

This Spring 2023 studio report includes an evaluation of existing resilience planning in the New Jersey Hackensack Meadowlands District and the larger Meadowlands region with recommendations on possible next steps for promoting science-informed, and equitable climate adaptation. The studio was a collaborative effort with the National Science Foundation Coastlines and People Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub

Jersey City Mobility Hub Feasibility Study

With the city's existing transportation conditions in mind and a goal of providing last-mile connections and facilitating otherwise difficult crosstown travel, this graduate planning studio class aims to support the City of Jersey City Department of Transportation's...

Jersey City Heights Prospectus

Instructor: Barbara Faga The studio team was asked by the Central Avenue Special Improvement District (SID) to help advance the redevelopment of the project site on Block 2901. The Central Avenue SID wanted to see what potential exists for development of the lot. The...

Planning for Global Population Ageing

Report for Economic Analysis and Policy Division, United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs Instructor: Hal Salzman The world is greying. There are more older adults aged 65 and above today than children under the age of five. One in five adults will...

Delaware-Raritan Transit Corridor

Blue Sky Comprehensive Planning for Rail Reactivation Instructor: Thomas G. Dallessio AICP/PP/CPM/FRSA Blue Sky Planning takes an optimistic and visionary approach to developing an extensive comprehensive plan to a city or region. Accounting for important and emerging...

Imagine New Brunswick

Fall 2021 Story MapSpring 2022 Story Map Background This year-long studio examined current conditions along the George Street vehicular access closure and the surrounding area. The street closure began in the summer of 2020 to promote safe outdoor dining during the...


Upcoming Events

2025 Bloustein Alumni Awards Celebration

Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Since 1994, the Bloustein School Alumni Association has aimed to present awards to accomplished alumni each year. Our goal is to pay tribute to alumni and friends to recognize their […]

Event Series Research Seminar

Bloustein Research Seminar Series: Kathe Newman

Bloustein School, Civic Square Building 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Presented by Professor Kathe Newman This venue will enable our faculty to share research, build community, and extend our networks. Pizza will be served. Bloustein faculty, advanced PhD students, and […]