Professor Clint Andrews will speak on “Decoupling Urban Density’s Benefits and Costs at the Fall 2016 Sustainable Healthy Cities Research Seminar Series Webinar on October 3, 2016 at 1pm Eastern Time / 12 noon US Central Time.
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People love some aspects of cities and hate others. We may love the excitement and access to jobs, while hating the congestion and pollution, for example. As the proportion of the population living in urban areas continues to rise in every region of the world, it will become more important to seize the benefits of urbanization while avoiding the costs. Yet a key indicator of urbanization, population density, is the focus of intense and ideological debate among those who think about settlement patterns. This webinar presents recent evidence on the correlates of urban density, the relation between urban density and scale, and the implications for urban sustainability. This research suggests that decoupling the good and bad effects of urban density is feasible if we target specific problems, make multi-level improvements including the design of human-scale features, and encourage the individual agency of urban dwellers.
This is the first in a series of monthly RCN-SRN Online Research Seminar Series, a collaboration aimed at sharing research accomplishments across the Research Coordination Network on Sustainable Cities and the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network. Contact: