Data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows 22% of New Jerseyans worked from home in 2021, a more than fourfold increase over 2019. New Jersey has a greater share of people working from home than most other states. Rutgers University Professor Carl Van Horn, director of...
NJ Leads in Work From Home Status, Hughes Explains Why
More than a fifth of New Jersey workers ages 16 and older work remotely. A confluence of factors is likely responsible for the broad uptake of telecommuting in New Jersey — even after pandemic shutdowns forced immediate changes to work in 2020 — though long commute...
Will NJ workers be ordered back to the office this fall?
As we head into the fall season, will your boss insist you come back to the office instead of working from home? According to Carl Van Horn, the director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University, this will depend on what kind of...
Will NJ Workers be Asked to Return to the Office This Fall?
David Matthau of New Jersey 101.5 asked Heldrich Center Director Carl Van Horn to predict which workers will likely return to the office and which ones will remain working from home.
NJ State Policy Lab – Working at home: what will the long-term effects of the pandemic be?
The pandemic continues to impact our lives. Working from home, school and daycare closures, gender disparities with household labor changes are explored in today’s blog.
Lonely Last Days in the Suburban Office Park
“It was absolutely shocking to many people that you would take an office building and knock it down, like we used to knock down factories,” said James W. Hughes, a professor at Rutgers. “Now it’s routine.” But in many places, that idea is still settling in. It will...
Staying at home is a privilege: Evidence from mobile phone location data in the U.S. during the pandemic
Data from millions of mobile phones were collected in the 12 larges metropolitan statistical areas, finding a positive association between income and the ability to stay home.
The future of work is flexibility
If you ask labor experts what the future of work will look like, most are reluctant to commit. “The future work is uncertain,” said one. “Uh, I would say the future of work is in flux,” said another. “The future of work is not predetermined,” offered a third. That’s...
Over Half of People Want to Keep Working From Home Despite Feeling Less Connected to Coworkers
The transition to remote work has also affected certain populations differently: Younger workers reported feeling less motivated when working remotely compared to their older counterparts, while parents with children younger than 18 years reported having more...
How to Ask Your Boss to Help Cover Your Work-From-Home Costs
William Rodgers joins NBC News to discuss how employers or the government should chip in to help cover home office expenses of the millions of Americans now working from home. NBC New York, December 9, 2020