New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance releases policy gap analysis report

December 23, 2013

njcaa_gap_analysis_final-1The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance, formed in response to a diverse group of stakeholders to focus on climate change preparedness in New Jersey in key impacted sectors (public health; watersheds, rivers and coastal communities; built infrastructure; agriculture; and natural resources) has released a new policy gap analysis report, “Resilience. Preparing New Jersey for Climate Change: A Gap Analysis from the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.

Public policy needs and gaps outlined in the report were identified through an extensive stakeholder engagement process. The report also summarizes the latest climate trends and projections in New Jersey as well as public support for policies to address climate change adaptation. It is intended to inform a forthcoming process to identify specific policies and actions that can be taken in New Jersey to ensure the state is prepared for the challenges of a changing climate. Early in 2014, the Alliance will be hosting a series of workshops with targeted stakeholders, experts and practitioners to discuss and recommend policies to address the needs and gaps outlined in this report.

The NJCAA’s University partners are the Bloustein School, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, and the Climate and Environmental Change Institute. For more information or to speak with the authors, please contact Jeanne Herb or Marjorie Kaplan.


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