On Wednesday, Oct. 8 NJTIP @ Rutgers will conduct a free “Connect to Transit” seminar for professionals, volunteers, and community members to become informed advocates for public transportation so they can better assist older adults other clients with navigating the public transportation network. Social workers, caregivers, volunteers, human services students, student development specialists, counselors and others who serve senior citizens are encouraged to attend. The seminar will be held from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Passaic County Community Transportation Office, 930 Riverview Drive, Suite 250 in Totowa, NJ.
Participants at the seminar will learn:
- Accessible features on NJ TRANSIT buses , trains and light rail vehicles
- How older riders can get reduced fares
- Tools to plan trips—schedules, maps, and assistance over the phone and online
- Senior focused transportation resources, local transit options and more
The mission of NJTIP @ Rutgers is to increase the independence and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities, older adults and others by empowering them to use the public transit system safely and independently.
To participate, please register by September 30, 2014 by contacting Nieves G. Pimienta by phone (201) 724-6167 or email nieves.pimienta@njtip.rutgers.edu. Space is limited. Parking is available and refreshments will be served.