The Community Health Needs Assessment report released in 2013 by the Trenton Health Team, identified obesity/healthy lifestyles; safety and crime; chronic disease and health literacy/disparities as critical health issues needing community-wide attention. Of particular concern were the problems associated with childhood obesity. In February 2014, the City of Trenton launched Trenton250, a process designed to comprehensively rewrite the City’s Master Plan. The City recently adopted Trenton250 Master Plan Vision Element which, among other goals, imagines a city where its residents have the opportunity to live a healthy life in a healthy environment, with access to locally grown fresh foods; high-quality healthcare facilities; safe, well-designed and maintained public spaces; and a diverse array of active recreation
1. Develop a Health and Food Systems Element for the Trenton 250 Master Plan.
2. Conduct Health in All Policies training for Trenton City decision makers and departments.
3. Transfer the knowledge gained and lessons learned from the project by:
—a. Developing and disseminating a model Health and Wellness master plan element that could be adopted by other communities throughout New Jersey.
—b. Conducting Health in All Policies training for local decision-makers statewide.