In order to fulfill his new responsibilities, he will be taking a leave of absence from his positions as Professor of Public Policy at the Bloustein School and Chief Economist at the Heldrich Center.
community development
A Tale of Two Alums: NJCC Assisting Small Businesses in the Time of COVID
This week Stuart Sharpiro talks to amazing Bloustein alums from New Jersey Community Capital, who discuss how the organization pivoted work during the pandemic to assist NJ’s small businesses and how the Garden State Relief Fund has been helping with the recovery.
Newman, DeFilippis named to UAA Distinguished Service Honor Roll
The Urban Affairs Association is an international professional organization for urban scholars, researchers, and public/nonprofit service providers.
Kathe Newman elected to the board of Urban Affairs Association
Her research explores urban change, what it is, why it happens, and what it means and has explored gentrification, foreclosure, urban redevelopment, food security, community economic development and community participation.
Zoning laws must be amended for sake of middle class
Thomas Kozma is a Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy junior majoring in planning and public policy. His column, “With Liberty and Justice for All,” runs on alternate Thursdays. Where is it illegal to build a duplex in New Jersey? What about...
Research: Intersections between neoliberal education reform strategies and social justice, urban policy
The authors examine parents, educators, and students are navigating the radically redesigned landscape of school ‘choice.’
EJB | DESIGNS to present two-panel series on Designing Value
A two-panel series on “Designing Value” will be held at the Bloustien School on consecutive Wednesday, October 2 and October 9. The events are presented by Bloustein School student organization EJB |
EJB | DESIGNS to present two-panel series on Designing Value
A two-panel series on “Designing Value” will be held at the Bloustien School on consecutive Wednesday, October 2 and October 9. The events are presented by Bloustein School student organization EJB |
Research: Resisting neoliberal education reform in Newark and Camden
The authors examine the intersections between neoliberal education reform strategies and questions of social justice, community development, and urban policy.
Rutgers to host statewide conference on health impact assessment in New Jersey, May 7
The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative (NJHIC), a collaboration of Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), is hosting a statewide conference on Health Impact Assessment (HIA)...