Calls for establishment of statewide working group to address those most at risk A mix of policymakers, public and private sector practitioners, academics, nongovernmental organizations and business leaders has issued recommendations to help New Jersey better prepare...
Rutgers Forecast: New Jersey’s recovery still trails its neighbors and nation, with ‘moderate’ job growth expected
While a difficult winter has depressed job growth early in 2014, New Jersey actually has experienced slight improvement over a comparable period last year, according to Nancy Mantell, director of the Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON). But Mantell predicts the...
R/ECON event to review NJ’s real estate market, speed of economic recovery
On Friday, May 9, the Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON)semiannual subscriber forecast and conference will examine the pace of New Jersey’s economic recovery and provide insight into aspects of the real estate market that are helping establish momentum for the...
Students gain intellectual, professional, and personal opportunities from senior projects
Each fall, Bloustein School professor Frank Popper leads a senior seminar class for planning and public policy (PPP) majors at the Bloustein School. “The main goal of the course,” said Dr. Popper “Is for a student to engage his or her imagination to produce original...
Rutgers study finds after Hurricane Sandy, NJ residents support government mitigation, but not footing the bill
New Jersey residents who were surveyed four months after Hurricane Sandy battered the East Coast of the United States in October 2012 expressed strong support for government policies to reduce the likelihood of severe damage from future hurricanes, according to a...
New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance releases policy gap analysis report
The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance, formed in response to a diverse group of stakeholders to focus on climate change preparedness in New Jersey in key impacted sectors (public health; watersheds, rivers and coastal communities; built infrastructure;...
New Rutgers Regional Report examines nation’s employment and output recovery
A new Rutgers Regional Report, “Employment Recession and Recovery in the 50 States: A Further Update,” authored by Joseph J. Seneca, university professor and economist at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, and Will Irving, research associate...
New analysis finds no shortage of STEM workers in the United States
In a new paper written by Hal Salzman of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Daniel Kuehn of American University and B. Lindsay Lowell of Georgetown University for the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the authors find little evidence to support...
New Rutgers report examines nation’s slow private sector employment recovery
A new Rutgers Regional Report, “Inching Our Way Back: The Nation’s Tepid Employment Recovery,” authored by James W. Hughes, dean of Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, and Joseph J. Seneca, university professor and economist...
Bloustein research leads new issue of “New Jersey Municipalities”
“How Sandy will Impact Our Economy,” an article by Joseph Seneca, University Professor; Nancy Mantell, Director of R/ECON; Michael Lahr, Bloustein Associate Research Professor; and Will Irving, Bloustein Research Associate in the April 2013 of New Jersey...