Examining the Benefits of Education in New Jersey examines the costs and benefits of pursuing and attaining postsecondary education from public higher education institutions in New Jersey. The report’s findings demonstrate that higher education helps individuals and families achieve upward social and economic mobility and results in higher tax revenues for state and federal governments.
A Statistician’s Life, Celebrating Black History Month
“One of the ways I choose to express my gratitude for the impactful mentorship I have received throughout my academic and professional journey is by paying it forward,” Williams said. “Mentoring is a deeply meaningful activity to me; I would even call it a passion.”
The Future of Local News in New Jersey? It’s Adapting.
One of the biggest unresolved issues in New Jersey is where governments will publish legal notices now that newspapers are ending their print editions. For over a century, state and local governments have been required to publish public notices – such as hearings, zoning changes and budget reports – in print newspapers to ensure transparency and provide a verifiable public record. But this system is breaking down.
Lindenfeld Assesses Substance Use Services Ads in NY
We coded websites of county public health, mental health, emergency, and social service departments to identify whether any government agency provided information about ten evidence-based SUD services. We calculated the number and percentage of counties advertising each service, overall and by county size (medium/large and small).
A Valentine’s Inspired Interview with the Poppers
Dr. Popper retired from teaching at the Bloustein School in January, 2020. Deborah and Frank Popper have been married for 58 years and both hold visiting faculty positions in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University.
VTC-POET: Springwood Avenue Heritage Walk
The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center needs your help! Out of 570+ storytellers from 58 countries, VTC-POET, and its project partners are finalists in the 2024 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition, Storytelling for a Better World, for The Springwood Avenue Heritage Walk project!
New Briefs: Rutgers Child Care Research Collaborative
The Rutgers Child Care Research Collaborative has released two new research briefs by Heldrich Center researchers.
Bhuyan Receives Leadership Excellence Award
Soumitra Bhuyan, Executive Director of Health Administration Programs and Associate Professor at Rutgers University-New Brunswick’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, is the recipient of a National Leadership Excellence Award. Jointly...
Heldrich Survey: Inflation, Job Security Concern Workers
Deep concerns about inflation and the labor market are widespread throughout the country as Republicans take control of the White House and Congress — even amid low unemployment rates — according to a national probability survey of 648 members of the U.S. labor force conducted from January 17 to 19, 2025 by the Heldrich Center.
Bhuyan and Samuel Explore Generative AI Use in Healthcare
This paper examines various clinical and non-clinical applications of Gen AI. In clinical settings, Gen AI supports the creation of customized treatment plans, generation of synthetic data, analysis of medical images, nursing workflow management, risk prediction, pandemic preparedness, and population health management.